View Full Version : headaches

06-10-08, 00:21
could anyone who suffers with headaches please describe where they are and how often you get them?? mine are almost daily and they are between my temple and eye- they switch sides sometimes but it makes it very hard to think or concentrate. it sometimes feels like a buzzy feeling too.

06-10-08, 01:52
Hi bluewoman, I don't get them too often, fortunately, but when I do it's either a feeling of pressure across the top of head. Sometimes I get stabbing pains in my eyes or temples (think that one's eyestrain).

Over the weekend I had a headache with a huge feeling of pressure in my head, especially around the top of the nose. I'm almost certain this was low blood sugar as I went for long periods without eating at the weekend and ate lots of sugary c**p when I did eat (bad me). It went away when I had some proper food.

Except when I had sinusitis headaches a couple of months ago, which could go on for days, mine usually only last a few hours. Hope that helps :)

06-10-08, 11:02
could anyone who suffers with headaches please describe where they are and how often you get them?? mine are almost daily and they are between my temple and eye- they switch sides sometimes but it makes it very hard to think or concentrate. it sometimes feels like a buzzy feeling too.

I get them from time to time, first time I had it, lasted for 3 years 24/7 but then other times, they last a week.

Mine are always in the forehead and makes the eyes ache.

Concentrating is very hard.

07-10-08, 14:18

I have been suffering from headaches since may. Mine is usually just on one side, it is behind my eye, in the forehead above my eye and in the corner by my nose. I know exactly what you mean about concentrating, not only is is painful but I worry so much!

At first the Dr's thought it was sinuses but they now think it is anxiety/stress. I was put on amitryptaline as a very low dose for several months hoping it would relax my muscles...but it didn't.

In the end I refused to continue on it because I didn't feel it was doing me any good and the headaches continue. I have been referred to a neurologist ... in part because I think my dr is fed up with me constantly going back with them (hehe).

have you had any tests?


07-10-08, 15:13
Yeah i get them often,

They variate where i get them and how frequent, some of it i think is eyestrain and im due for surgery soon, other times its stress.

Do you get tight shoulder or jaw muscles around the same time as this?

Do you spend prolonged time on the PC? and if so do you have it on the lowest resolution?

I take paracetemol as i was informed too much codeine based tablets can cause headaches.

All the best,


07-10-08, 15:23

The doctor has put me onto amitriptyline, which has helped alot with my headaches.


07-10-08, 22:39
Hi, I suffered with headaches everyday for years, always around the eyes, temple and side of my nose, I became obsessed by them and was sure there was something terribly wrong. Then I developed a tingly crawly feeling on one side of my face, this drove me mad. I kept going back to the doctors because i was convinced I had a brain tumor or something as severe, after many years of pestering i was finally sent for a ct scan which showed there was nothing wrong with me, it was all down to anxiety. The headaches stopped because my mind had been settled, because i was always so tense this gave me the headaches. Please be reasurred that this is anxiety and try not to worry about it, (easier said than done)
Hope you find some reasurrance in this xxx

08-10-08, 19:54
I used to get headaches from the moment I woke untill I fell asleep, 7 days a week, this went on for about 2 years. Eventually i found a way of getting rid of them by closing my eyes and letting my brain relax, much like if you tense any other muscle and then let it relax. The headaches were always the same dull feeling in no particluar place in my head, just everywhere. Rarely do I get a headache these days and if I do I can control it.
I just get anxiety/panic instead ! lol:doh: I can control those to a degree too, but not always, sometimes they think they can beat me! But I am still winning...


11-10-08, 01:41
i have been suffering fo two an a half years now my headache is always in the same place on the top of my head right sided an sometimes my right eye feels like its bieng poked out of my head , i get frequant brain zaps feel off balance feet feel like thier bouncing when im stood still get ringung in my ears pressure in my ears when i stand up or get off buses sounds strange my list could go on x:bighug1: