View Full Version : Heart attacks

06-10-08, 03:12
Yes i have heart attack fear's and i will go insane ones.:blush:

06-10-08, 05:56
You're in the right place then. :)

Have a search through some of the older threads on these issues, heaps of us have similar worries. Here's a few to get you started:



And you might want to take a look at the Palpitations etc sub forum under the Symptoms forum:


You're not alone. Welcome to NMP.:)

06-10-08, 08:59
LeeBee did the work for you Ozzy,

use the links, its pretty standard emotions and feelings your describing although terrifying and a royal pain in the a$$.


06-10-08, 09:23
Hi Ozpanic,

Totally with you on the fear of heart attacks. I've been trying to overcome it for four months now. You will finds lots of useful info and support here.

08-10-08, 02:07
Thanks LB, for your work much appreciated i am of to browse though them now :hugs:

19-04-10, 10:55
Hi guys, I'ts been sometime since been here i need to check in more often, right where do i start?, lately been just feeling bit off like, well to i brought a cuff Bp Cuff of ebay. Manual as i know how to do it, well sometime back i would say a year now, I've had Pre Hypertension, i think it is, bit overweight and smoke i know bad :doh:.. Well on saturday i checked it and it was 180/120 omg! I went into hysteria almost, mind you i had smoked and had coffee, i took one of the tablets i have had here since then, Micardis, i felt Nausated, my vision went blury, etc...Then i though't is this anxiety??, man what a mess i was anxious about taking the medicine, then worked up over the BP reading..Today though i didnt take the bp meds, only the last 2 days I've taken them. Well my bp was fine 130-40/85 90 etc.. Then i put it down to sleep am i getting enough, i was doing alot of late nights...Anyhow to cut it all short i hate taking meds, side effects etc... But i also dont want to die from no heart attack or stroke...... I had the GP out too, he said keep monitoring it, but did not ask me to take the medication,... Then i started doing research on anxiety and Hypertension..the link between it chicken and egg thing. Sure when we hyperventilate panic it shoots it up., does anyone know if BP stays high or fluctuates?? if it stays high then is it medication time??... I am confused , i am doing all the right things loosing bit of weight..cutting back smoking rather than taking the medication...But everytime i leave the house now i am freaking out big time....... this has to stop!!!! :weep::weep::weep::weep: i get dizzy in a store, then freak out bad thinking this is it.. im going to have a HA stroke or die.... I need to somehow stop this thinking, I have even got to a point its obessesive like carrying this BP cuff in the car incase i need to run back check it..... every damn 30min..:shrug:, but it's sending ppl i know crazy, and more importantly me...My parents think that hypertension in some cases can cause panic attacks ! hmmmmmm so they say take the med and you will feel calmer? geez i duno! so here i am a complete and utter mess , and Bordering Neurotic , i just cant keep going out in public and freaking like i am.... people will get alarmed at it..:lac:.any advice please thanks OZpanic:blush::blush::blush::blush:

19-04-10, 11:56
Im totally with you on this sorry i cant offer any advice only that im suffering a similar thing.....id been feeling a bit off lately chest pain,palps and a funny pulsing in my eye.....anyway i decided to buy one on those bp cuffs Mmmm not a good idea....i took my bp and it was 160/95 automatically i paniked felt like i couldnt breathe...i took it again over the next few hours and sure enough it varied greatly from 150/80 to 160/95 i was petrified i now had high bp and an heart attack was iminent and the pulse in my eye was an artery going to burst.So anyway ive been to the doctors today and told him everything....he checked my bp 120/80.. heart beat was a little high 105bpm...and had a good look in my eye he couldnt see anything wrong and said my eye looked fine and that surprise surprise it was anxiety........so now im worried again are these bp cuffs acurate and whats this pulse in my eye....and so it begins again.xx

19-04-10, 13:08
Hi Clairabella, sorry to hear that too, i did mine again before 160/100, i even had some valium, to see if it's anxiety. No effect on BP so far, so looks more and more like Hypertension. Will see how i am tommorow if not any better it looks like i will have to trial the BP meds for a week and see. :blush::blush::blush: I am getting over it though, but i cant be to flippant with it or next thing i maybe dealing with is a stroke. I tried the auto BP machines theyr'e not that accurate, I use the cuff Aneroid, like the docs use, The first thud is top then fades out last thud is bottom reading fairly easy. I know it's accurate wish it was wrong ,:huh:.. Let u know how i get one this week, I just wish taking meds didn't bother me so much, and i got so worked up about them. Forgot i did get a reading of 134/85 this afternoon so has me baffled, if anxiety gets it up that much id be shocked , they say high BP is silent killer, but i am sure when its high you get dizzy or symptoms Nausea , irritable etc ... i tried looking googling hypertention and anxiety seems a bit on there. I guess as long as our heart doesn't dehindge itself were fine lol..slight humour. Btw i am also Agoraphobic i go out once a week, so that day is huge i get really dizzy.

Any anxiety sufferer's out there though on bp meds ? did they actually make you less tense?

19-04-10, 13:54
hi again...its the automatic one that i use...you wrap it around the top of your arm and then press abutton to get your reading....when i went to the docs he used the pump one and i got a reading of 120/80....so am i right in thinking the one i bought isnt much good???Because i had a rapid heart rate he suggested i try beta blockers and pescribed propanalol......but like you i have such a fear of meds i dont know if i will take them......i cant help thinking there is some under lying cause thats making me feel this way...anyway take care and let me know how you get on...:hugs:

19-04-10, 13:59
your bp alters all day ,but when we are in a state of anxiety it goes high ,, perfect is about 125 /80

03-12-10, 23:28
your bp alters all day ,but when we are in a state of anxiety it goes high ,, perfect is about 125 /80

WOw i wrote that back in 2008 hard to believe, yet i still worry about it hows that for mad?? :doh::doh::doh:

04-12-10, 05:10
I went through the whole bp scare. I normally sit 140-150/80-90 and that's with medication. The more worried I got the higher it went and I panicked more. It was a vicious cycle. Had a panic attack right in the dr office while they took it. To calm me they upped my meds (which I no longer take. New INsurance tier 3 med-very expensive).

Last check about two weeks ago was 135/80

I also worried about my pulse too, even got a monitor.

04-12-10, 06:35
i got a monitor too,trouble was i got obsessed with taking my blood pressure ,am 12 months on now and i still take it least once a day,i was checking it like 20 times plus tho,and the more i checked it the higher i sent it ,on the other hand if it was a number acceptable to me then i could leave it for a while ,i been taking ramipril 2.5 mg for blood pressure for 10 years,my blood pressure is normally good,i just wish i could throw the monitor out ,ive had the monitor for about 5 yrs and used to use it about once every 6 months brfore this damn anxiety kicked in,i thought i was cured of the checking once as the batteries were flat and the machine didnt work,i put cheap batteries in it but they wernt powerful enough to work itwell it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders,i literally didnt give checking my bp a thought for about 5 days the for some reaon i was playing about with the bp machine and i changed the batteries again and horror of horrors it worked ,so course then i was back checking bp all the time again lol,its a nightmare