View Full Version : Can Somone Please

06-10-08, 10:19
Read my last post ( i just feel like i want to die)
And give me some advice,
im in desperate need of reassurance.
Can you get scitzophreinia after a couple of bad reactions to cannabis?
Because im loosing it,
please read my last post =[


06-10-08, 10:25
hiya hun, i cant really comment to much on this but in my opinion NO, cannabis does make u paranoid and feel a bit disconnected.

if it makes u feel bad hun, id keep off it and give it a week and u hopefully should be fine.

im sure other people will b able to advise u better then me, but hugs xxxxx

06-10-08, 11:00
no you can't get scitzophreinia, it's genetic, your born with a higher chance of developing it, normally durning teens-to early 20's.

Cathy V
06-10-08, 11:17
Also, if you dont smoke normal cigs on a regular basis, then the few times that you do will cause a bit of a nicotine rush which can make you feel spaced out, dizzy etc, and then you associate the feelings with what you felt with the cannabis. My son tried it once and was ill for days.

Youve obviously developed a health phobia through your bad experience of it, and you could have a high chemical intolerence. Some people have bad reactions to food, but others can feel really bad with smells such as perfumes, paint, bleach etc, and i fall into that catagory. Nicotine doesnt do anyone much good but i reacted to it much more than others i knew. It really effected my breathing and heart beats became very erratic.

Hope this helps...:)

06-10-08, 13:48
I can say this for sure, no you cannot develop scitzo from cannabis. But since you had a bad reaction to it, keeo of it.