View Full Version : pills or no pills?

06-10-08, 13:42
I ve been suffering with anxiety for over 1 and a half years, I was put on medication(citalopram & diazepam) and was on them for over a year the dose i was on was being raised every month until the doc told me that i was on the highest dose he could perscribe all the time i didnt notice any difference in my symptoms. looking for help on the net i found the lyndon method which i paid for and started using it. in the method it explains all the symptoms and reasons for them allot of the points in the method makes sense and one of them is to slowly come of medication. as i didnt feel any better being on them i stopped taking the tablets about six months ago and have been coping with out them. but at the moment im feeling realy ill and some of my symptoms are realy getting to me like the chest pains i know why i get them,
but i also know that there is a little doubt in the back of my mind which no matter how many times i tell myself that i been here before and then distract myself i still panic and think i will drop down dead, its the doubt in my head with is making it worse and i cant seem to stop it.

I dont know if i should be on tablets or not?

sorry for going on a bit.


06-10-08, 13:46
I would say it would depend on the frequency of those feelings,

chest pains you say?

anything new happening in your life right now?

Personally i have been knocked around by every SSRI med i have taken and settled with diazepam as a helper, but even they dont do much most of the time.

You need ask yourself if you can continue with mind over matter, or if before when on meds you felt better,


EDIT: 6 months coping without them is a huge step in my mind, let that influence your decision

06-10-08, 14:17
I am going on holiday in 3 weeks for a fortnight, which i am worried about.

thinking about asking my doctor for diazepam just in case i dont cope when im away but being off them for so long and not rely noticing a difference when on, them just seems like i will be taking a step backwards when i know that ive coped for so long without them. I think it might be that i am worried about the holiday especially the flying as i dont like flying and i can think of nothing worse than sat in a plane for 11 hours thinking im going to have a heart attack and drop down dead.

i think that i can cope without them.

im just having a bad few days

thank you will.

06-10-08, 15:20
My mother and step dad always take a few of my diazzy's when flying,

not a step back,

just takes away the uneasy feeling at an exciting time in the year,


06-10-08, 16:08
sounds like a plan
