View Full Version : A variety of symptoms.

06-10-08, 14:03
I haven't had a thread in a while. But Im just gonna vent, I NEED REASSURANCE!:weep:

I began to have anxiety like 4.5 months ago or something. One day in the beginning of my health anxiety, I was sitting down and all of a sudden I started yawning..and noticed that besides the yawn, no breath I took felt deep enough. I got nervous and thought it was a symptom of a bad heart...and I went into a HORRIBLE panic attack in which my heart weent fasssssssstttt and then slowed down (not a lot, but it felt like a lot cuz I was super nervous).

After that, that need to take a deep breath returned like 3 weeks ago. I noticed that i always notice it when I sit down. So I started trying to take deep breaths...and getting nerovous that it was my heart again. Again that thing went away...but today it came back.

I am so sad right now. I don't want this feeling back. Like If I take a deep breath it feels like my chest is tight and the breath wasnt deep enough or like there isnt enough space in my chest for air...so then I start yawning. Ugh. Also I was in the bathroom and I bended to pick something up---got up and took a deep breath and I had a skipped beat.

Also 3 days ago, I was laying flat on the living room floor with just a pillow under my head, watching Tv and all of a sudden my heart went BOOM! and it did that 3 times, paused, and BOOM! again...and then went back to normal. That scared the poopy out of me. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!??!?!!>

I've made so much progress since June, when my anxiety began (it began witha panic attack about muscle twitches, which I thought were somehow related to my heart?!?!?!?! i dont even remember how I related them now)....since then I googled this, I googled that...things just got worst. I went through horrible ups and downs with it, own my very own u ntil mid- August. Finding this site helped me so much. I started getting better. Symptoms didnt bother me as much now. If I was constipated, it was b owel cancer...if I had a skipped beat, it wasnt a bad heart.

Today I got my acceptence package for college, Im starting in the spring. I DONT WANNA F&(()*&&(i feel like this NO NO NO NO!!!

The past 1 month I was free of anxiety, just dealing with some post anxiety depression. Right now I feel depressed and hopeless along with this weird breath thing and skipped beat and freaking yawning like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!1


06-10-08, 14:47
bumping this thread up cuz i want some reassurance.

06-10-08, 15:01
Hey hun!!when you feel like you cant breath try singing sounds weird i know but singing will keep your breathing get back to normal it also distracts your mind and releases a strees hormone thingy lol..hope this helps.. xx:bighug1:

06-10-08, 19:49
The inability to take a deep breath is a classic sign of anxiety. I've had this many times over the years. It could be that because you are so tense that you chest, back and stomach muscles are so tight that it makes it hard to expand your chest and get a full deep breath. I know exactly how that feels. The yawning has something to do with the fact that you aren't getting good oxygen. Nature is trying to help you to breathe normally. Don't worry, you won't stop breathing. Do you notice that when you awaken in the morning or when you are relaxed that you can get deep breaths then? As far as the "skipped beats", I've had them for 20 years and I'm still here. Try not to worry, it will only make it worse. Hard to do, I know.

Hope this helps if even a little.


06-10-08, 19:55
Thanks ro44, that does help. I am pretty sure that in the morning, I do feel fine when I breathe...unless of course I wake up thinking about whether I can breathe right or not....cuz then I'll probably get conscious and tense again.

Right now I can breathe fine actually. I think this is anxiety. I first felt it in June, a few weeks after my health anxiety began.

08-10-08, 14:02
hi to all,

Everything has started 1.5 years ago, first I did not know what was happening to me, I felt myself very weak, dizzy, depresive, inability to take a deep breath,having a great fear, problems when I had to go out, sleeping problem and many other symptoms.
I went to a dozen of doctors to find out what the hell is going on, but never got a diagnosis, they just tried to assure me that everything was ok, and everything was in my mind!Right now I feel myself better but I have periods when I am completly ''out of order'' and lost in space!!
The most bothering symptom is the dizziness, I often feel this one, when I walking on the street, doing my job and this is very very unpleasant!
A doctor prescribed me Cipralex and Xanax but I really don't want to start swallowing these medicins!!
I am a completly different person, very much preoccupied by my personal problems, it is a kind of hypochondria, it is poisoning my whole life, step by step destroying it!

08-10-08, 15:46
Brolin dear, you can make it through.

I understand you not wanting to take these medicines. I've noticed that support and words of wisdom and connection with people who are also suffering really helps. Buy some books about how to deal with anxiety. Learn breathing techniques and how to mediate. These are practical things. Joina support group for anxiety sufferers somewhere around you. Seek counseling...and then if you're in the right frame of mine, take these medicines too.

I see you're still working, that's excellent. Don't let this stop you from living. You might think this is controlling your mind, but you'd be surprised over how much control you actually have over your anxiety than it does on you. Once you realize that your symptoms are anxiety, and they are, you can begin to wean yourself through the recovery process.

Seek people. Talk to people. Tell people how you feel. When you're free from work, get out of your mind...do something out of ordinary. Pamper yourself maybe? Read a book, force yourself to do it. It might not be fun the first, 2nd, or even 3rd time...but eventually your brain will become trained. You will begin to come out of all this. Watch a movie, listen to music, go out with friends and family.

Dizziness is a very common symptom with anxiety. Eat well. Anxiety requires this.

take care and write back, please dont lose any hope.

10-10-08, 09:55

thanks a lot for supporting me in these moments, I already do almost all things to distract my mind from anxiety and panic, but the dizziness is the biggest problem, it makes me feel myself weak and fearfull for not fainting on the street or anywhere else.
I am trembling sometimes and feel myself isolated and unable to do what I had done before!
At my office is difficult to do my job, I have various kind of feelings, sometimes I am depressive because of my shape sometimes I am nervious , agitated and anxious.
I am trying hard to keep up living in normal condition, usually I have strange dreams and my sleep is not as good as I want, often feel myself very tired and exhausted even in the morning.
the main problem is that I think that I have a very serious medical problem, and the doctors aren't discovered yet this problem.
You know, I was fond of making sport, fotbal or anything else linked to the sport, now I hardly can do it, I really hate being like an old person, I hate being always anxious when I am going out or I have to do my job.
I hate the dizzines , and having a pressure in my head, even if I am not drinking, smoking or drinking coffe!

are you getting some medicines?how do you manage to live being anxious and having panic attacks?
have you ever been at doctor ?

my best regards

10-10-08, 11:23
Hiya Brolin/Everybody

I am exactly the same way you are at the moment,
its horrible, again I feel like you do that it is some medical problem/physical problem that has not been recognised or some serious mental disorder like Dementia/Schizophrenia/ that has not been picked up.

I have weird dreams and wake up feeling absolutely dreadful with random thoughts that are nothing to do with me or my life (this scares me) I also seem to get weird visual images when I first wake up I feel like I have had no sleep, I have been getting terrible panic attacks and I am really struggling to go to work I had three months off work in Feb and if I am off again in another 6 months I will receive a final warning and be fired (regardless of the illness!) this worries me a lot.

I too have been getting very down and depressed crying all the time and I have no social life, struggling to get housework and washing done I feel so hopeless, I did become briefly improved but the last two weeks I have gone back to square one this is a shame because I was getting out and about shopping centres, pubs etc even taking my little girl shopping I really do feel back at square one and I am in despair as what to do next. I am also struggling to eat (this not much of a problem at the moment as I am very overweight) properly.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful but you are not alone in your symptoms take care hun,


10-10-08, 15:50
Brolin, I'm not on any medicines because I have handled my anxiety on my own and have really made quiet a recovery. It's not a complete recovery but I was in dire straits at one point with this and very depressed but I pulled myself up somehow. I have never been to the doctor about my health anxiety---however I have had 3 blood tests and an ultrasound of my pelvis/abdomin this year and when that came out clear, a lot of my anxiety lessened. After that my fear was generally centered around my heart--and later on moved on to my bowel/colon stuff. My doc reassured me that I do not have anythying wrong with my colon or intestines and no cancer. I also told him of the skipped beats I get and he said it's "no big deal" and said that my heart is "110%".

SO after that it was just me and my head. I still sometimes have the irrational and anxious thoughts but I deal with them very well now. I've become a bit stronger.

13-10-08, 11:02
hi to all,

for heather mc,

I am so sad that you also have this kind of problem, and the sad is that you have big problems with your job, hopefully they won't fire you!!
Our situation is really awfull but I am sure that we can go through this, sooner or later we will manage to overwhelm this illness.
As you, I also hve good days but also have very bad ones, sometimes I am very very dissapointed by all,by life and I feel that everything goes wrong and there is no way out from this!!!
Often I feel myself tired, having leg cramps and pains, muscular problems, dizziness and because of stress I have stomach pains.
I am trying various methods to get rid of this problem, meditation, sport, changed my style of life, but every time I think that I got through, something happen and I am again in a big s**t!
What do you do to improve your condition?medicine or therapy?

for yanksforever,

I also made blood tests, abdominal ultrasound, RMN, EKG and another tests but nothing wrong.It really make me mad because I felt myself miserable and the doctors told me ''calm down you are ok, there is nothing wrong with you'' - without giving a solution for my condition.
I think in our condition a periodical medical investigation is usefull for us, it can be an assurance that we are ok.
As you, I also have problems with my stomach, often I have nausea and throw up sensation!
Sometimes I imagine that everything is just a long dream, but one day I will wake up!!

best regards!

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14-10-08, 22:30
it stinks this anxiety business doesn't it I have finally had some blood tests done and will be going to see the G.P next week, the waking up in the middle of the night and the horrors that go with that are getting me down.
I think its good that we can all compare symptoms with each other as some are dead scary and the reassurance we get is brilliant I swear if it wasn't for this site I think that I would have reached the end of my rope a long time ago.

My problem is that my symptoms seem a lot worse first thing in the morning how weird is that, I can feel practically normal at night

Hope you are feeling better today Brolin

Lots of Love


15-10-08, 08:30

every morning I hope that the following day will be a normal one, I usually wake up and going out with my dog, after that, I am eating and then go to my office.
this is briefly, my ''morning life'' , I don't know what's gonna be in the future, the sad is that I always think that something is wrong with me, the newest thing is that I have multiple sclerozis!!
I want to ask you if you feel the dizzines all the time or just when you go out?
sometimes I feel myself in shape at the morning but at night I am lost in space, full of weird thoughts.
I hope you bloodtest will be ok, anyway tell me about the result!

I wish you all the best!!:hugs:


15-10-08, 14:08
I have very similar feelings

Had panic attacks on and off b/n Feb and July this year - went to cardiologist in July for tests and they were all clear. For next two months everything was fine.

In the first week of Sept I was stressed in work and they started again. Had some bad panic attacks (the ones where your whole body freezes up and your body and mouth and tongue go numb and you can't even talk)

Doing CBT at the minute and it is helping me re things like muscle twinges etc. The two big symptoms I have now are the dizzyness and the shortness of breath feeling. I had an asthma attack earlier this year in hospital caused by the docs giving me the wrong medication!! The shortness of breath thing is the worst possible symptom to have.

I agree with others - distraction is the best way to cope with shortness of breath feeling. In that way, work is ok for me as it is interesting and I can get immersed in it. Talk to people as much as possible also about non-panic related things. Also exercise and relaxed meditation (deep breathing) help a lot. I am convinced that it is all muscle tension related cos when I get into a hot bath every night, I can breathe fine as all my muscles relax. My massage therapist (for tension headaches) told me to go for a walk every day and swing your arms (like in the army!!) as this will loosen all the shoulders and neck and back muscles out.

Stay strong and fight it - I am determined :mad: not to let this beat me and so should you.

16-10-08, 12:42
hi to all,

the dizzines make me made all the ytime, how do you manage to live with this??
that's important to move our attention from breathing problems(right now I have this problem) and dizzines, with the latter the problem is a little bit complicate, it makes our walking difficult.
I wish I was able to talk to someone about something else than panic attacks and my poor shape!!I am like a child always complaining about my problems!!
The relaxation aand the mind taming is the key, I want to start again massage, right now I am looking for a therapist.
sport, sport , sport, also make us to forget for minutes or hours about our condition, personally sometimes after I finished my jogging, feel dizziness and increased heart beating, this couple frighten me!!
Another weird thing is that I often feel my body starting to tremble, or I think that I will have heartattack, these gives me very very unpleasent sensations.
Do you have a normal social life??are you going out with your friends in the weekend or something like this??

I try to stay strong in front of all this hard stuffs!!:)
we must be overpowered to be able to fight with the panic!!:bighug1:

16-10-08, 14:43
The dizziness is v difficult for me too - some days are better than others - my eyes are sore as well so they could be the cause of it too. If I try to distract myself while I am walking it does help.

Sport is a big help alright - went to a soccer match last night and was anxious in the stadium before kick off as was with friends who don't know anything re my anxiety. Didn't think I would get through the 90 mins(sound like I was playing myself!!) - but ten mins in and having shouted at the ref a few times I felt a lot better!

Social things are difficult at the minute. I get very tense if I go for something to eat with g-friend - I find myself wolfing down the food to get out of there. In CBT I was told to break down the meal into different time slots - i.e. when you get the menu don't look at it for a minute - when your food arrives don't touch it for one minute - put your knife and fork down a few times during the meal. Look around the room and you will see that nobody is actually looking at you even though you think your anxiety is like the elephant in the room! This is easier said than done but I am going to give it a try. It's like being taught how to eat again but baby steps and all that.............

22-10-08, 09:32
as well as to you the dizziness create the biggest problem, usualy I also go to the soocer match and I feel myself like you!!!
my heart beating fast, I have the sensation that something wrong will happen, I am anxious and nervious.
I am working in television and day by day I meet many people and it makes me anxious and I feel myself very tired and that's the moment that all my problems appear.
Which is your favourite team??
Do you feel yourself tired after you came home from work or after you were among a lot of people?
Sometimes I feel that I am losing my control, it is a weird sensation, I look around to see if there is someone to help me or something like this!

22-10-08, 09:59
If you neeed meds whats the problem! If you were diabetic you would take them. Its just the same they give you breathing space to work out your troubles. You are only human and someone who has a problem with nerves, FATE gave you that not weakness. Now you have to find a way of dealing with it before it takes over your life. . Also try CBT its priceless in the fight against anxiety.

23-10-08, 08:51
you know, some med give dependence and it is not good!
now, I am trying to go through alone, since 2 years I have this problem, I tried CBT, massage and other thing, it helped me enough but sometimes I feel myself very bad, tired and confused.
I think the key is in my mind just I have to figure it out!!

23-10-08, 10:36

Went to drs blood tests were extremely healthy, she commented on that,however she has put me off work for two weeks and prescribed Citalopram, after much misgivings I have had the diabetes theory, if I needed insulin I would take it, if I need heart medicine I would take it no questions asked so why question anti-depressants I was sitting for ages looking at these tablets went on here went on the internet and I have decided for myself maybe my anxiety and depression is like a sort of diabetes in the head and treatment is needed for it. So I have taken them, I could get better, I could get worse isn't crossing the road a gamble so I have bitten the bullet!

Lots of Love


27-10-08, 08:07

Hopefully the medicines will help you, personaly I have cipralex but I put it on my desk and hope that I will go through without taking it!
Your way of thinking is good, please let us know if it helps you or not, if your blood test is ok then you are healty!!
I am afraid to take medicines because it gives to you strange feelings, makes you more exhausted and that's what I really hate!!
I wish you all the best!!!You are so positive now, Heather, continue in this way!!
