View Full Version : i'm glad you guys are here

06-10-08, 16:08

My brother passed away at 27 last november
My mother had always had depression and ocd (but a wonderful mum)
and now she is suffering from my brothers death and isn't the same
I have anxiety depressoion i'm on meds
My dad went told me some things I didn't know that shocked me
my husband doesn't unerstand anxiety and is a tad on the controlling side plus doesn't want me to take my meds, I have been on them for 8 years came off and went loopy again, I had to battle him to get back on, he doesn't really get along with my parents so well but we are moving to my country to be closer to my parents so that's something

I still love my husband to bits but feel the lack of support.:mad:

Christ does it ever get better, does it???

06-10-08, 16:45
Im so sorry you are going through such a sad time at the moment.I just wanted to send you a hug.:hugs:
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

06-10-08, 16:46
Hi Joyce, just wanted to say hi and to tell you i am thinking of you. You have been really good in helping me and things will get better its just a matter of time. If you need to take to anyone i am always on here ( literally :D )


06-10-08, 17:31
Hi Joyce

Just sending you some hugs and I hope things improve for you soon.

x:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

06-10-08, 20:53
Im sorry things are so bad for you at the moment
Im sending you some hugs and i hope you feel better soon.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

06-10-08, 21:02
Hi Joyce,
Sorry to hear that your husband isn't exactly being supportive. That sucks. It sounds like you will be happy to be near your parents again. That is good. As far as the meds go, its your body and your mind. don't let him push you around. Stick to your ground.

06-10-08, 22:05
Hi, I'm sorry to hear these things are happening to you, and that you feel a lack of support. I think you're husband has good intentions though, and maybe doesnt understand your situation or why you need them. But he should respect your choice and descision
Good Luck, and we are here :)

07-10-08, 11:33
Hi Joyce, so sorry to hear of your loss and the upset that you and your family are experiencing. Your husband doesnt understand, but why would he? He hasnt been through what you have, he hasnt experienced anxiety and depression. Some people just simply don't get it, do they? Your husband is probably thinking of your best interests and may think he knows what is best for you. The truth is, he doesnt. You and your G.P are the only two people who know what is best for you in these circumstances. I would just tell your husband that although you respect his concern you need the assistance of medication and thats how it is to be. Maybe when things have calmed down and there is not quite so much upset in your life you might consider coming off the tablets (WITH YOUR HUSBANDS FULL SUPPORT). Until then, he must support you in your decision. Why not introduce him to some literature about your condition so that he understands a bit better.
My thoughts are with you & your family at this sad time.:hugs:

08-10-08, 09:42
Thank you everyone, We came back from the Ob yesterday and he thinks it's best to stay on my medication and that he has had many pregnant women have perfectly healthy babies on paroxetine.

My husband seems to be coming around and this is a real turn about, I hope things continue to improve......... THANK YOU ALL