View Full Version : really worried and scared

06-10-08, 18:30
I keep feeling faint and dizzy and sick which isnt unusal for panic attck sufferers i know, but my problem is i have a real fear of fainting since i fainted twice when i was younger. I get into real panic mode with it and so i try to eat alot as in my head it makes sense that if i eat my body will feel better. so i get food but when i try to eat it i cant it makes me feel sick even if i havent eaten much of anything, i have always been a fussy eater and a person who eats to live rather than lives to eat. i tend to pick at food and eat bits here and there. so then the whole crazy thing starts again; have i eaten enough, i should eat something im a bit hungry i feel dizzy and faint, urgh cant eat. :weep: dose this happen to anyone else? dose anyone have any ideas on what to do cos this is making me so depressed. Also im finding it hard to sleep at night cos i feel sick and dizzy, so im tired alot of the time. All the tablets of tried dont help. any advice people can offer would be awesome thanks. xx

06-10-08, 18:47
You need to find a way to relax. Can you do anything to take your mind off this stuff? I've fainted before. It was after I had food poisioning and used the bathroom a ton of times during that night. I woke up feeling horrible and fainted trying to get water. Then got up to clean up the water which fell with me on the floor, and fainted again...got a real bruise on my bum from it.

You're not gonna faint. Why did you faint when you were a child? Chances are you won't faint again. Also, your brain is horribly tense and stressed from all these things I bet. You need sleep! Please eat as much as you can without getting sick and try to sleep.

06-10-08, 19:11
HEY HUN..i have the same fear.. and the same about eating...i now make myself eat and once i do that the sickness sort of goes...try to have some breakfast and then up from there..pm me if u want huni..xx

06-10-08, 19:22
hey guys. ill try your advice thanks, only problem is where i cant get to sleep till 5 or 6am im never up in time for breakfast. it dosnt matter what time i go to bed i just cant get to sleep and i have horrible sweats and stuff. i fainted before once when i was 14 cos i was anorexic at the time, and once again when i was 15 again thru not eating. so i think thats where the food thing comes from.