View Full Version : Face Ache

06-10-08, 20:09

Here I am again looking to find out if anyone has face ache. I have this pain that my doctor previous described as face ache. It seems to be on my lower jaw right at the front.

Does anyone else experience this, and if so does anyone have tips for getting rid of it or easing it off. Only thing I can do to get it away is sleep, this eases it off completely then it is just a matter of time before it starts again.


06-10-08, 20:20
well the fact that it goes when you are sleeping sujests to me that its a muscular pain.
are you tensing your jaw a lot and not realiseing this?
If you find you are try not to and do some jaw relaxation exercises
and you could always rub a little deep heat on it to help relax the muscle.

06-10-08, 20:27

06-10-08, 20:40
Sorry not familiar with TMJ???? lol


06-10-08, 20:57
I have noticed recently that my face aches a lot, especially when i'm anxious. I think it is with tension in my jaw as I also grind my teeth at night and wake up with sore teeth and aching pains in my face and head. We do things we don't realise we're doing when we're anxious, so maybe you are tensing your teeth and jaw and you don't realise.
Take Care

06-10-08, 21:03
Trixi google it honey

Cathy V
06-10-08, 21:15
It means Temporo-mandibular Joint disorder, and usually comes from the jaw joint not being aligned properly...you can get headaches with this too. Its usually a dentist rather than a doctor to ask about it. Not a good idea to google, sorry....its never really recomended, theres usually enough members who have knowledge or have experience of most things to give advise through the forum..:D Gooling things can be scary! xxx

06-10-08, 21:27
Thanks Cathy,

I know googling is a bad thing, you would have yourself diagnosed with everything under the sun and in a worse state. Thanks for your advice on this, I do think it is anxiety related. More so the fact that it leaves after I sleep.

Thanks again cathy

Cathy V
06-10-08, 21:33
Yeah, no probs trixi, and i had to smile when i first read the title of your post 'Face Ache' and then opened it and saw that little piccy of the bulldog...face ache or what :D aw sorry little doggy xxxx

06-10-08, 21:56
Lol, poor doggy right enough lol!!!

Thank made me laugh out loud at my screen, thanks
