View Full Version : hello what a releif to find this site!

06-10-08, 20:19
Hi i found this site after looking up citalopram (spelling? not sure) which my consultant had reccomended as the next course of action if i was not coping as well as i had been.
Had breakdown near 3 yrs ago after stuggling with depression on and off since my late teens (43 now! thats shocking).
Had a month hospital spell and zispinfor a few months which i hated as my weight ballooned. 1st panic attack was triggered i think by extreme back pain 1yr prior to this which is brought on by stress and muscles locking as i clench everything up. I tried prozac again which had been successful some yrs previously for depression but the side effects this time were huge so i stopped.

A divorce and subsequent house move with both teenagers in tow followed shortly after and then i had a hysterectomy. I was doing well on no meds and felt pretty good. I used exercise, fish oils and st johns wort, and counselling to get though life. i am now finding life very difficult again due to just having got my son to leave home at 18and half.he has been very difficult to live with for much of the time (dope and cocaine use and small thefts, some may say not much but my house my rules) My ex is threatning solicitors tonight for making him leave. Oh and my Grandad died 10 days ago. My Panic attacts are infrequent but invariably take me to AandE. Currently I shake and shake a lot and cant breathe, but these are bearable. Hope some support is going to come my way...... i am quite quite desperate at the moment. Thanks for reading this. x

06-10-08, 20:29
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its great to have you here.
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You certainly have had a lot to cope with aint you :hugs: :hugs:
Its no wonder you are feeling the way you do.
I also have 3 teens and would not for one min put up with drug taking or thefts, i think you done write to ask him to leave if he cant or wont change his ways. tell your ex to take him to live with him if he is so concerned about you putting him out.
You are well within your rights to ask him to go at the age of 18 and theres nothing a solicitor can do so try not to let this concern you. im so sorry about the loss of your grandad :hugs: :hugs:
i hope we can be of some help to you and make you feel better about things.



06-10-08, 20:57

Welcome to NMP!

You will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

06-10-08, 21:36
Hi and a big welcome, I hope you get a lot of help and advice from here, and Im sure you will soon make lots of new friends.

07-10-08, 01:39
thanks you guys x

already got some better feeling from being here -thank you x

(i love these smileys how can i get them for msn?)

07-10-08, 01:58
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
10-10-08, 20:39
a really warm welcome to no more panic

love from milly xxxx

10-10-08, 20:46
I had to make my daughter move out on her 18th birthday. She made life hell for the whole family for many years prior to that date.

You sound like you have a lot of stress going on right now. Don't let your ex bully you. Let your son live with him and see how it really is.

Hope that you are feeling better soon.

11-10-08, 00:29
Breathe, come on, life is s**t!!!
But we are there for you and can help I hope ??? I've had difficult times, please make contact if it helps!!!

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11-10-08, 00:37
Hi I also just found this site by looking up mirtazapine. Its great to have someone to share our thoughts etc with. I think you re v brave, I have 4 kids eldest 26 he s ok but my 24 yr old was a really rough ride brining him up not drugs a such but adhd. My panick attacks seem to have stopped i hope but i still have feelings of self doubt and such. I hope your days get better x