View Full Version : pains in the side of my belly!!!!!

06-10-08, 20:43
has anyone else experienced pains in their side of their belly (left side just were my trousers would be) there not too tight !!!!!!!
its just driving me mad was convinced it was somethin terrible ave had a look through other members post and seen loads of symtoms i experience myself just not this 1 is this ax?:shrug:
cazza xxxxxxx

06-10-08, 20:47

yes i have had this for a few weeks now it is like a pain a bit below my left rib and into my left side of my tummy ,i was thinking maybe i have pulled somthing :shrug: how long have you had it?

jodie xx

06-10-08, 22:17
have just started with it today its drivin me mad ....ive also got pains in my back but ive had this before so i no tht its due to anx xxxxxx

thnx for ur reply jodie xxxx

06-10-08, 22:18
i've had it too, but on both sides. i'm also wondering whether it's muscle strain. It tends to be sharp pain, but it doens't last for long each time that i get it.

06-10-08, 23:00
Could be kidney stones - have you had it checked out ?


06-10-08, 23:44
hiya it is just trapted wind when i get this .x

chris q
07-10-08, 14:51
i done a post on this about 3 weeks ago its the same as what you put my pain has now gone so dont worry

07-10-08, 16:38
I have had this many times. It's either gas, muscles, tension, anxiety...it will go away. You're fine.

07-10-08, 20:06
thnx all so much ur so hopefull i feel like such a wally sometimes lol i took painkillers and it went so there u go its just coz it was comin and goin thts what made me worry i will no for next time xxxxx

07-10-08, 20:50
Hi caz
I've had it also many times.
Glad you feel better.
take care