View Full Version : Acid Reflux, Bloatedness, Terrified ...

06-10-08, 23:11
Sorry guys, didn't mean to delete my thread ...

I have been suffering from acid reflux and bloatedness for the last two months and I'm certain the family stomach cancer has finally caught up with me. My GP gave me some Ranitidine to limit the amount of acid in my stomach and at first that seemed to help, but today after getting a letter from the hospital telling me I have to go for a Barium Swallow next Monday I have been absolutely terrified and the symptoms are really bad again tonight. I know my doctor thinks there is nothing sinister wrong and that my symptoms are due to stress and anxiety and is only sending me for the Barium Swallow to reassure me, but I can't turn off the panic and the physical symptoms are getting worse and worse. I'm alone and so afraid with nobody to turn to.

07-10-08, 06:37
Hi BNCfan

Loads of NMPers get acid reflux and the other symptoms you describe, as your doctor says, these can be caused by anxiety. Take a look at the Symptoms page to the left of the forum and you'll see the listed there. I don't have exactly the same symptoms but I do get an upset stomach with lots of gurgling and activity when I'm very anxious.

Try to be reassured by your doctor saying that it is probably anxiety... they would tell you if they thought there was a chance it could be something else. Any other reflux sufferers out there with some remedy suggestions?

07-10-08, 07:14
I am on Lansoprazole for mine. Mine problem is a genetic one, my daughter suffers from it and my mother had a stomach ulcer. I have suffered with mine for many years. Sometimes I take bicarbonate soda in water which neutralises the acid.

07-10-08, 09:57
I suffer acid reflux and IBS symptoms, as well as anxiety about it all (see my other post). I got put on Metoclopramide for the acid reflux, which seems to have helped a lot. It has a slightly sedative effect which I actually like, knocks my brain out a bit. My doctor said that things like Omeprazole and Lansoprazole just reduce the acid but don't actually stop reflux.

Hope the test is negative, I know exactly what you're going through.

07-10-08, 11:12
I suffer from this to,but it's not as bad as it used to be.The more anxious you are the more it play's up.
I had all the test's done,throat and bum:blush: and all was clear.
I think because you have a history of cancer in your family you are worried all the time and making yourself more anxious.
The test will put your mind at ease.:hugs: :hugs:

08-10-08, 08:54
Thanks everyone for your reassurance. I get extreme bouts of free floating anxiety which can sometimes last for days about every ten years and they are so terrifying I seriously consider suicide, because life in that state isn't worth living. I've always suffered from panic attacks and phobias since I was a kid, but these bouts are something completely different. At the moment I am still worried about the Barium Swallow on Monday, but I'm not in the state I was in on Monday. Thanks again for the support. I'm really glad I found this site, it's fantastic.

18-10-08, 10:04
hello everyone! i was very happy to find out about this site! i hope it will be useful to my problem. as far as the stomach problems, I can say that the two things go together. I've been using omeprazolum for 8 years, it helps but the right diet is really what makes the difference. but the anxiety has become so bad, that i dont know what to think. even on an empty stomach, i feel bloated and awful. anxiety and stomach problems go hand in hand it seems. i think i have agoraphobia, i cant stand on-line anymore at the shops, and i fell like im losing my balance as a walk. anyone feel the same?

18-10-08, 10:42
wow i have never considerd suicide over acid reflux... and ive had it ever since i was a child :scared15: i highly doubt you have cancer.... i have had panic attacks and anxiety and i have acid reflux and ibs... this is nothing thats going to kill you... i know it can be annoying but you need to calm down.. you dont have cancer.... jesus christ i still cant believe u consider suicide....
you can control acid reflux.. being bloated sucks yeah but you will be fine :scared15:

18-10-08, 11:10
Malv, you probably haven't had to stand by and watch the entire maternal side of your family die from one kind of stomach cancer or another and find yourself completely alone at 33. I'm delighted acid reflux and other stomach problems don't scare you, but with my family's medical history they sure scare me.

18-10-08, 11:39
but the doctor said you have Acid reflux.. im sure they can tell cancer from acid reflux my point is i dont think you need to worry.. you should calm down and have a cup of tea.:hugs:

18-10-08, 18:54
but the doctor said you have Acid reflux.. im sure they can tell cancer from acid reflux my point is i dont think you need to worry.. you should calm down and have a cup of tea.:hugs:

You do realise that this is a board for health anxiety sufferers right.:shrug:

19-10-08, 02:47
You do realise that this is a board for health anxiety sufferers right.:shrug:

thats why im saying i dont think theres anything to worry about? because i dont. if i was worried about somthing. people assuring me that doctors know what they are doing would help abit, i have been worried about my health many times i know what its like and im only trying to help:flowers:

19-10-08, 02:52
Hi I hope no one minds me coming into this discussion. I don't think I have what you have but I don't think it helps people with panic and stress problems to calm down. I am not having a good time at the moment, although calming slightly concentrating on this.

I just want to say to BNCfan that I'm thinking of you and sending virtual hugs.


19-10-08, 06:24
BNCfan i can understand your fears of it being cancer but with a doctor telling you its just acid reflux you just need to try and relax, take a step back and breath

19-10-08, 08:36

hope this may help and know that I would have tried anything, my mum has hiatus hernia and I think I have it too, all the same symptoms as you as well as stomach gnawing!! hunger pains when not hungry. Tried the omeprazole didn't work, then tried aloe vera pure juice, am very inpatient so only gave it ago for a few days, didnt stop it so gave up. In sheer desperation tried using it again and after about a week was symptom free. As long as I continue to use it without a break I am fine. It is expensive but is the only thing that has worked for me, hope this helps.

19-10-08, 09:53
Hi everyone, thanks for all the offers of reassurance. I had the Barium Swallow last Monday (13th) and still haven't had the results - my doc assures me this is a case of no news being good news. I've suffered from a fear of death and health anxiety since I was 9 when my father died very suddenly from a coronary. The fact that every member of my mother's family - including her - died of some type of stomach cancer doesn't help. By the time I was 33 I had no family at all. I'm constantly expecting to be next. It isn't really that irrational in the circumstances. I've always battled with general anxiety and phobias and managed to live my life, but what I've been experiencing over the last couple of months - hours and hours of chronic free floating anxiety, unable to eat, unable to sleep, really have made life intolerable. I live alone and guess that doesn't help.

19-10-08, 10:28
Hi everyone, thanks for all the offers of reassurance. I had the Barium Swallow last Monday (13th) and still haven't had the results - my doc assures me this is a case of no news being good news. I've suffered from a fear of death and health anxiety since I was 9 when my father died very suddenly from a coronary. The fact that every member of my mother's family - including her - died of some type of stomach cancer doesn't help. By the time I was 33 I had no family at all. I'm constantly expecting to be next. It isn't really that irrational in the circumstances. I've always battled with general anxiety and phobias and managed to live my life, but what I've been experiencing over the last couple of months - hours and hours of chronic free floating anxiety, unable to eat, unable to sleep, really have made life intolerable. I live alone and guess that doesn't help.

Not one member of my mothers family hasn't had either a heart attack or a stroke the same on my fathers. My cousin has had a triple by pass and his brother wasn't so lucky and died.

I know it sounds silly but I don't think about it. There is no point worrying yourself into an early grave. I know I don't suffer from HA but I do have a daughter who hasn't left the house more than 5 times in 5 years.

I had to have a colonoscopy the other year and immediately I was told there was nothing to worry about (I wasn't because I knew it was diverticular disease I had been suffering agonies with it for years). I am sure they would have notified you if there had been anything to worry about.

29-12-08, 20:37
Hello guys

Well after being on Citaplham for six months im still suffering.........

It started witha pain in my ribcage and constant heartburn then I was getting matallic tasting burps..convinced i could tatse bllod I was in my GP's surgery in a flash sobbing my heart out, I was convinced I had:
Hital Hernia
H Plyori
Stomach Tumor and so on, DR put me on Operozole been on and off them for four months the heartburn has gone but I still have this pain in my ribcage. DR sent me for a Barium Swallow which revelaed Acid Reflux, why am I not convinced and why do I still get this pain in my ribcage??? Im terrified that the test missed something!!! I also had the breath test which was negative (for H Plyori)

The symtoms now are pain in the rib cage, Rectum Gurgling, Throat Gurgling,Stomach Gurgling (like Hungry) Heavy Chest Feeling, Achy back I do get occasional diareahh as well. I should also mention that I have not been sick or had any black stools or lost weight. Sometimes after eating I also burp up food, This happens only a few times a week and my symptoms dissapear when Im in bed, Strange for Acid Reflux???

Im fed up with HA and am due to see a counsiller in Jan 08 Does anyone think this is just HA magnifying my symtoms?

30-12-08, 03:48
Ooh a barium swallow could I have that instead of an endoscopy I wonder, I will ask today.