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View Full Version : sons paed appt tomorrow, anxiety off the scale!

07-10-08, 11:52
Hi, i've posted on here before about my son having a small lump on his back next to his spine. GP thought it was fatty tissue, consultant not sure, so he had x-rays and an ultrasound scan. The radiologist said at the time that she did'nt think it was anything to worry about but she would have to think about it and write up her report. I asked if it could be a tumour and she said she did'nt think so as it would look nasty if it was. She said it was about 1cm and smooth. My son has an appointment tomorrow at the paediatric clinic to see a specialist registrar, i don't know why we're not getting to see the consultant that ordered the ultrasound. I'm really hoping that tomorrow will bring some kind of resolve to this, i have been so worried for the last 3 months.

Last week i went for my first cbt session and the psychologist told me that my gp said that i have a cancer phobia. Is there such a thing? Hopefully my anxieties will start to improve with the cbt, i want to be "normal" again.

07-10-08, 12:05
Hello again Rainbow,
sorry to hear that this issue as still not been resolved. I'm sure you are very nervous about taking your son for his appointment tomorrow but i am sure that everything will be fine, it has been a while since he was refferred and if they had been worried they would have had him back in sooner. My little boys lumps turned out to be a gland and we have just recieved a copy of the consultants report (which you can request), it was very reassuring to see it in black and white. They have given us a 6 month open appointment incase we have any more concerns about this which means that we can just phone directly to the paediatric ward for advice (it is all reassuring stuff). I am confident your little boy will be fine. Because he is your baby you will see these things as been magnifyed as you worry for his wellbeing. Try not to worry and let me know how you both get on X:hugs:

07-10-08, 12:23
hi pinkpiglet, thanks for your reply. I know i should be reassured by the fact that the radiologist did'nt seem to think it was anything bad and that everything is being done at a slow pace but my mind does'nt work the way it should and i imagine the worst possible things all the time. Its been 2 weeks since his ultrasound and i'm sure we would have been seen sooner if there was any worry over the results, this is me thinking rationally but then i start to worry again.

You must be very releived that your lo is ok, its so scary when anything happens to them is'nt it?

07-10-08, 20:37

I agree if the doctors were that worried they would have seen you little one quicker. They are just normally more cautious with children which is good but worrying for you because of your anxiety.

I think there is such a thing as a cancer phobia as i know i have one!! :blush: I also attend cbt and find it extremley helpful and my anxieties levels have definitely decreased since starting it.

Hope all goes well, let us know how you get on. We are all in the same boat and more than willing to help.

Elsie :)

08-10-08, 09:55
Thanks Elsie, i'm just wanting this all to over and to be able to get on with my life. I feel like its been on hold for the past 3 months and i've really struggled to function properly. Its so hard trying to put on a happy face when you feel like you're falling apart inside.

08-10-08, 10:45
Good luck for today, i really hope you can get the answers you want today. Let us know,
love anx xx

08-10-08, 15:08
just updating on my sons paed appt today. The consultant is pretty sure that the lump is fatty tissue and not anything nasty. So at the moment no further tests are needed, we just have to back in 6 months time for a follow-up appt.

Thanks to everyone that took the time to message me, it really hepled to calm my fears and to put things in perspective.

08-10-08, 15:24
excellent news!
It is scary expecially when it comes to kids, think you have done very well given the long timescale

08-10-08, 16:54
Pleased all went well for you. :)

08-10-08, 21:09
So pleased for you

anx xx

08-10-08, 21:42
thats reat news hun.
Now is there such thing as a cancer phobia?
Do you have a fear of cancer?
is it to a point where it scares you above all other things you could get?
does the thought of cancer make your anx rise?
If so then yes it can be classed as a phobia
Anything that scares you enough to a point where it distresses you and makes your anx go higher can be classed as a phobia if you are fixated with it
I have a cancer fear, its scares me so much i cant even see adds for it without feeling anx and scared most times.
My doc says i have a cancer phobia.