View Full Version : Wierd ear feelings

07-10-08, 13:27
I was diagnosed with mild sinus disease a few weeks ago after having a CT scan. The congestion feels alot better so think the spray is working but I am still having my ear symptoms which have got worse over the weekend.

I keep having a feeling of like a balloon blowing up in my ears now and again, they feel clogged up and sometimes a tad tickly inside iyswim??

I am worrying it might be an ear infection but surely id have fever and pain??

Could this be TMJ? My GP suggested this once because I suffer with extreme anxiety.

07-10-08, 16:09
Hi. :) I tend to have sinus issues as well, and one of my worst problems is my left ear. It feels "full" like it has air or something stuck in it most of the time. Sometimes it is so bad I get vertigo...other times it is just barely noticeable. It's all related to the pressure in your sinuses (even when I'm having no other symptoms sinus wise I'll still have the ear thing). The tickle is normal with this...and it doesn't sound at all like TMJ or anything else to me. And it's almost definately not an ear infection.

Hope you're feeling better soon. :hugs:

07-10-08, 16:23

So its probably just sinus related?

I am just worried about this whole sinus thing, I have been told its mild and to just live with it but I can't help but worry.

I notice its alot better when I am less stressed so I was wondering if its stress related.

07-10-08, 20:17
Does anyone else get these ear feelings? like pressure and when i open my mouth fully it clicks/pops behind the ear? sounds sticky? if that makes any sense to anyone, lol!

I know I have sinus issues but they are alot better, this ear thing ive suffered on and off for years.

07-10-08, 20:54
Hi, yes Ihave feelings of fullness or blockages in my ears and they make funny noises too. I had my ears checked and I am due to have my left one syringed this friday as it is blocked! I have been putting olive oil in it for a week which is what I was advised to do. The strange thing is though I actually went to the doctor complaining about the other ear, which I have been told is perfectly clear! Very odd indeed! Have you had your ears checked recently as it sounds to me that you may just have a lot of wax in them or something.
Angie x

07-10-08, 21:34
Try using saline spray in your nose daily, along with a neti pot. Neti pots are weird, but work WONDERS!

07-10-08, 21:37
I use a saline rinse daily.

I am seeing my gp in 2 weeks, last time had them checked was at ENT, they were perfect aparently.

07-10-08, 21:51
I've had ear blockages before. A long time ago I had an ear infection that ended in an ear drum perferation which affects my balance. Since then my ear, right ear, seems to block very easily.

I find that I get weird sensations on that side of my face and just in the last few days could hear my heart beating in that ear. I've had all sort of strange things there. Like yourself I suffer quite bad from blocked sinuses too.

I have found ear drops like Otex seem to help. The worst thing I do is attack the ear with cotton buds and end up making things worse but ear drops seem to help.

All the best


07-10-08, 22:22
Hi Libby - as you know I had that really long bout of sinusitis a little while ago. That has cleared up now but I find the sinus and ear symptoms still come and go. Sometimes it gets a bit gunked up, I think, but it doesn't really feel gunked up, if you know what I mean? My symptoms are pressure and a feeling of "fullness" around the eyes, face and head; clicking noises in my ear, especially when I yawn and swallow; recently I've had tingling in my face too, that's a new thing. I had a really good long cry the other night, blew my nose heaps and that seemed to help a lot. Not sure if I'd recommend that method :) but it shows that I had a lot of mucus sitting around in my sinuses that I couldn't even feel. I don't have any infection symptoms at all.

Nechtan - I had a perforated eardrum from a middle ear infection when I was teenager, but, weirdly, I didn't have balance problems until an inner ear infection this year.

12-10-08, 16:03
Hi there, I have had almost all the symptoms you have too. I have a post nasal drip which is thin clear mucous. I also have a really hollow sound in my head which i have posted on 'Symptoms' to see if anyone else could tell me what is causing it but no one responded except one person. i feel quite alone in my dealing with the whole sinus thing. It seems to get better at night and after being up and about in the morning it comes back. my family are so sick of hearing me go on about it.