View Full Version : Agoraphobia blog and free downloads

07-10-08, 15:21
I have written before about my blog


It tells all about my life with agoraphobia and has helpful hints on how to deal with it. In my latest post i have spoken about the downloads i have including a fantastic Paul McKenna download specifically for Agoraphobia. I have made it available to everyone so they dont have to pay the £15 for it. I hope this helps :)

07-10-08, 18:03
Hi Lynnie

That's ever so kind of you :flowers:

Love Lisa

07-10-08, 18:58
Thank you so much for that I have just added them 2 my desk top so I can view them regularly .

I hope you are doing well xxx
Take care
Titchjd xxxxxxxxxx:yesyes:

09-10-08, 15:03
Hi Lynnie,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. Thanks for the downloads.

Take care,


09-10-08, 15:40
Ooh fantastic! I've just downloaded it, thanks so much for posting that I'm sure I'll find it really helpful.

17-10-08, 13:26
I have just downloaded the agoraphobia stuff by Paul Mckenna and wanted to say a massive thank you for this - I'm a bit broke at the mo but had dearly wanted to try this session because I had such good success with other stuff of his in the past.

I think I will add your blog to my favourites! :yesyes:

Thank you very very much and to Tetley for guiding me to this thread.:hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

18-10-08, 19:47
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

18-10-08, 21:26
Thank you,

Have downloaded everything, Ill give it all a try.

Chelle xx