View Full Version : Hola!

07-10-08, 17:57
Hello all,
I am new to the site and thought I would share some of my experinces and see if they are like anyone elses. A brief history: I have been troubled by Panic/agoraphobia/anxiety for about 10 years. I intially had problems driving on the motorway and going on buses and other places with no easy means of exit.
I managed to overcome them to a degree but fast forward to this year and it is all going backwards!
At the start of this year I took a job in london which requires a 40 min commute on the train. It was a little bit nervy to start but so far so good, but then the thoughts of what if started to creep in and i became very anxious.
So i started to keep myself busy on the train, watch videos etc..that seemed to do the trick. Then a couple of weeks ago I had the mother of all attacks right out of no where, nothing like I had ever had before.
It has completely freaked me out.
After battling in my own for 10 years I have decided I cant do it alone any more and went to see the Doc and blurted all out to him, rather tearfully at times.! So I hope with help I can maybe get through it all and not be scrared of Blackfriars bridge anymore!!

Anyway time to go and get the train home now, I can hardly wait.

Thanks for listening.

PS Am I the only person who doesnt like bridges!

10-10-08, 12:15

I used to get the same on busses. All I can say is get on meds as that seems to be the only thing that will sort you out properly.

I think it's a modern complaint and needs a modern cure/help.

How fit are you? I reccommend you train a few times a week, to get used to your heart rate climbing and not panicking, knowing you are OK. It takes time but your panic control will improve pretty quickly doing this I found.

I'm almost free of it now. Been training most days for a few months and quit drinking alcohol and caffiene for 6 months now and feel great again.

When you panicked on the train thinking "what if?" what was the "what if" that set you off? Terrorism or crime or what?


10-10-08, 13:57

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

10-10-08, 16:29
Hello, thanks for the advice,

I plan to start trying to keep fit, just got a new bike and plan to get out about 4 times a week. I gave up smoking over a year ago and while thats good, I have put about 2 stone on!! lol

I have had an initial chat with my doc and am going back on monday to decide on what way we want to play this. as for the what if, I am not to sure really, I used to worry I was going to be sick on the train floor , but now its more of just a constant uneasy feeling that sometimes goes in to full blown panic.

It's just been nice to find this forum where I can type out some random thoughts with people who understand, I try and talk to my wife but I am not sure she really understands what it is like. Probably because I hide it so well.



24-11-08, 20:26
Good your doing something about it mate. :yesyes:

Ignoring it is the worst thing you can do. You have to face it, like most things.

The general feeling of something is wrong or about to happen is anxiety and if it's only in public and not at home then it sounds like "Social anxiety".

I've had panic attacks for years but the ones this year were by far the worst I've ever experienced and I'm fine now. So just don't give up and you will too.:yesyes: