View Full Version : Fear of heights

31-05-05, 00:01
I have a fear of heights. I can't walk over a bridge or even walk along an open balcony to flats higher than one floor. The problem I have is I get a complusion to jump. I don't think I would jump but I get drawn to the edge and the feeling to jump is strong. How do I cope I don't cross bridges or put myself in a situation like that. Not an ideal situation. Does anyone else have this problem and how do they deal with it?

31-05-05, 00:52
Hi Paula

Daft as it might sound my ex husband was like that and he is an industrial roofer. He said if he got to the side of a roof he felt like he wanted to jump. I questioned how he did his job but he said he did the middle roof work and if had to do gutters etc he still had the urge to jump.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

31-05-05, 12:06

I heard a wonderful interview with Ann Widdecombe, MP who was speaking openly about her fear of heights and how she had to research it carefully as she HAD to get over it in order to campaign by helicopter.

She said she found out that most people either fear jumping or worse that they'll push someone else instead and she did a survey of all her accompaning journalists and every one fell into either catagory - even if just for a fleeting moment - so they all resolved to look out for each other and make it an objective. After a month of daily flights she said she was now down to a fleeting moment only of thoughts instead of a huge drama inside..

Its all in our thoughts and the immediate next response.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...