View Full Version : Trapped wind chest!!!

07-10-08, 20:09
Hi All
I am fairly new on here and finding it a great help so thank you to all the kind understanding people.
I was wondering if anyone else has had this symptom....On occasions i get a feeling of trapped air in my chest which is very uncomfortable, it feels a bit like i want to burp, i suck strong mints and drink peppermint tea this helps me burp but the feeling starts to build back up again straight away, the doc thinks i might have a spasm in the gullet causing this. I just wondered if anyone else has ahd it and if they think its a symptom of anxiety.
Many thanks and best wishes to all.

07-10-08, 20:18
Hi Diybabe,

I have had this and at its worst it was making me sick. I worked out that I was unconsciously swallowing air to try and make myself burp and that was making me feel sicker. Just an idea.

I also tried charcoal tablets, they seemed to help a bit :)

07-10-08, 20:25
Thanks for that. I've never felt sick, but i can understand the swallowing air thing. Yeah i have tried the charcoal...pretty vile things though i prefer the peppermint tea.
Best wishes to you

08-10-08, 00:58
You may not watch football but have you ever noticed football managers chew gum? I can think of one manager who is never stops! As you can imagine, being a football manager is very stressful. This tension and stress during a match causes a dry mouth so I reckon these managers chew gum to keep saliva flowing.

My father used to be a wedding photographer and he would always tell the bride and groom to lick their lips before he took a photo! The reason for this is that when we become anxious, our mouths and lips become dry. Our throat muscles also tense up due to the stress. These symptoms then cause us to subconsciously swallow air which then builds up in the body causing trapped wind.

In the same way when we are feeling very stressed and anxious, our stomachs have a build up of acid which I think enters from the gut. (A nurse on here will know for sure!) Anyway, the net result is a burning sensation in the stomach which can also travel up the middle of the chest which also causes indigestion.

Also when we feel under alot of stress, we may start worrying that these common natural symptoms are something more than they really are. This worrying which causes us to turn in on ouselves by creating health anxiety are also just a symptom of stress just as the symptoms are themselves.:hugs:

08-10-08, 12:31
i get this more when i eat cos i dont eat alot and when i do i get this feeling

01-01-11, 19:40
hi every one I am female but my user name is seth dont know if I am writing in the right place I am not good with computors so apolagise if I should'nt post here but I could really do with some help I suffer with I.B.S and also diverticular disease I have had trapped wind now for a week I cannott burp or pass it I have taken gaviscon tied peppermint capsules hot water bottle but nothing as worked my tummy is bloated and the pain in my chest is unbearable it feels like some -one or some-thing is crushing me and I havent been sleeping well I would be very grateful if any one has any suggestions to help relieve the wind and pain thankyou

03-01-11, 02:48
I have this at night sometimes. It's very annoying to be woken up by trapped wind. You have to go walk around or something. They do recommend a walk after a big meal to help with things like this. Windeze tablets can also give quick releaf. I hate anything that disturbs my sleep and it's impossible to lay down with trapped wind.

03-01-11, 20:34
Indigestion can become quite serious in some circumstances. I hadn't eaten for two weeks due to flu and developed a chest infection. Because I hadn't eaten much I presume I had a lot of acid developing and I had the worst crushing pain around my chest. It got so bad that I was being sick on my antiB's and Paracetmol I was taking. Eventually I ended up in A&E because I couldn't even keep fluid down and obviously was also weakened by losing so much weight. They gave me some pain killers and within 2 minutes I brought them straight back up. I ended up having a cattle-like jab in my butt to stop the sickness and Tramodol to ease the pain. I had 24 hours to get fluid back in me else I was going on a drip (I hate hospitals). I managed it. But it goes to show how bad indigestion can get coupled with other illness. I am now taking Lansoprazole capsules once a day and drinking Gavison after every (small) meal. I am still in pain with it (but managable) and thankful not in hospital.

03-01-11, 20:40

Chest pain seems to be my most common problem and I seem to go through 3 - 5 days at a time of feeling like I've got heart burn. Exercise seems to help me no end. Doesn't need to be lots, just enough to get me puffing for maybe 10 mins a day.

15-03-11, 07:36
Hi new on here but i too suffer from this and no ammount of windeze or rennie relive the problem. At first i thought it was my asthma but not, the only way i have found to combat it is valium as it calms me down. Like other posts its random when it come on i cant do a thing even talking is hard. Back to docs today will post what happens if anything! Oh and going to try gripe water.

macc noodle
15-03-11, 07:44
I suffer badly with IBS and wind issues - trapped wind is the worst!!!

I always find that it is really important to keep the water levels up - the old 8 glasses a day does really seem to help.

Have any of you tried drinking boiled water ? I know this sounds really boring but somehow it helps relieve the trapped wind. When I am bad I suck on a few indigestion tablets and follow it with a boiled water or two.

Worth a try and a very cheap idea :D

15-03-11, 08:26
I suffer with reflux (excess acid) when its had the trapped wind gets right in my chest and back. Meds wise Omeprazole (you can buy over counter or get on prescription) is great as it stops the acid build up takes a day or two to properly work but you should feel abit of relief after the first one. To get rid of the wind I drink Tonic water and that shifts the wind (terrible burping but its a relief).

Gaviscon is okay but it just sits on top of the stocmach contents and acid and doesn't actually get rid of wind or the acid.

Reflux is related to stress and anxiety but it is also a condition in its own right.