View Full Version : Trapped wind in chest

07-10-08, 20:41
Hi All
I am fairly new on here and finding it a great help so thank you to all the kind understanding people.
I was wondering if anyone else has had this symptom....On occasions i get a feeling of trapped air in my chest which is very uncomfortable, it feels a bit like i want to burp, i suck strong mints and drink peppermint tea this helps me burp but the feeling starts to build back up again straight away, the doc thinks i might have a spasm in the gullet causing this. I just wondered if anyone else has ahd it and if they think its a symptom of anxiety.
Many thanks and best wishes to all.

07-10-08, 22:58
Hi Lynda

Welcome aboard!

I get this too, I find drinking chilled water out of a bottle with a sports cap eases this, it seems to make me burp!!!!!
I always carry one with me everywhere.
ope this helps

Elaine x

21-08-09, 14:11
Hi All
I am fairly new on here and finding it a great help so thank you to all the kind understanding people.
I was wondering if anyone else has had this symptom....On occasions i get a feeling of trapped air in my chest which is very uncomfortable, it feels a bit like i want to burp, i suck strong mints and drink peppermint tea this helps me burp but the feeling starts to build back up again straight away, the doc thinks i might have a spasm in the gullet causing this. I just wondered if anyone else has ahd it and if they think its a symptom of anxiety.
Many thanks and best wishes to all.

hi its so good to know im not the only one suffering with this problem i never realised trapped wind could be so painful across my bust having lots of tests done at moment hopefully my doc will get to bottom of this soon its happening to me every day drinking boiling water peppermint tea goea away for a liitle while then comes back with a vengence trying to learn to live with it for now but carnt wait for the day when it goes for good.many thanks kelly

21-08-09, 15:30
hello can i join your club lol,,i was awake till four this morning ,,,even talking was nearly impossible,,,the pain is nasty and worrying,,i tried propping myself up in bed,,,ive also tried gaviscon,,to no avail thennnnnn and your gonna laugh now after to the end of my tether last night i tried what i know works as its tried and tested on my rabbits tummys,,,gripe water,, took one swig, and within minutes most of the discomfort had gone,,it worked so well i was belching ,,,scuseeeee me such a lady,,,for ten minutes then fell asleep, give it a go you,ve nothing to lose :roflmao:

05-01-10, 21:08
Hey guys - my first post and I am so relieved that I am not the only one with this condition. I have it as I type - hence my search for answers. Snow allowing, I'm going to get some gripe water tomorrow. Thing is this pain only occurs every now and again. Did any of the doctors get to the root cause? I find it so debilitating - I can hardly get to the top of the stairs without clutching my chest.



Vanilla Sky
05-01-10, 21:32
I have had this to , try Windeze , it helps

05-01-10, 21:42
I'm very inclined to think this is acid reflux or indigestion of some kind, especially if there is burning pain and/or burping seems to relieve it. You might be better off trying Rennies or Gaviscon, and if that doesn't help see your doctor to see if they can prescribe something a bit stronger.

i love tea
05-01-10, 22:05
Just a word of warning about peppermint tea - it's great (I love it!) but you shouldn't drink it on an empty stomach, only after food. It can relax the muscle between the stomach and esophagus, allowing stomach acids to flow back into the esophagus - making the symptoms of heartburn and indigestion worse. I couldn't work out why peppermint tea sometimes made me feel worse, but then I read this somewhere and it made sense!

05-01-10, 22:55
Hi All

I too get this in fact i have it now it is not nice also get a little burning in the back of my throat i,m deffo going to try gripe water if babies can take it cant see it being harmful do you think?

I have to go docs on thurs for a breath test for H polyi?(sp) half of me hopes i have it so i can get treated and end this it is annoying and scary


06-01-10, 15:19
I get this from time to time...otherwise I just have flatulence and pain which is bearable...when it is really bad the pain is terrible and I cannot rid myself of it with any amount of antacids etc. The only thing that really helped was a 2mgm Valium which the Dr prescribes for emergencies! I think the fact that the valium relaxes the muscles allows the flatulence to start moving on its way! So sorry, cos I know how sore it is and as I had this after a social meal/gathering I know how it can be unbearable,....had to go home as it was too painful to talk and I couldn't think of anything but the pain! :hugs:

06-01-10, 17:50
I think anxiety greatly upsets our digestive system. It does sound like acid reflux, this is how mine started. I now take lansoprazol. I'm convinced though that it was started by stress. I also find strong mints help.

tayside lassie
06-01-10, 19:47
i suffer from acid reflux but have terrible problem with trapped wind in my chest upper gut sometimes ..best thing is "rennies deflatine " or good old coca cola drink will certainly shift it ..

20-01-10, 20:36
Sorry for the delay, but thanks to everyone for your comments, suggestions and empathy. It's reassuring to know I'm not alone!



03-02-10, 15:13
Same here I get it really bad in my chest. It can make it feel really anxious but a couple of deflatine and some fizzy water usually does the trick.

07-05-10, 03:32
This really does sound like the same thing ive been having ive had this prob with traped air up in my chest for meny years most mornings i wake with pains in my chest my ribs hurt on one side & sometimes i awake with jumping burning acid & burping is the only thing that seems to help i really force myself to burp by holding my stomach in & just forceing it out . doing some weight lifting helps just by moving around but this is no way to live this is not nomal.some times it seems that the traped air never moves it feel like i pull more air back in :(

Thanks all goodluck with this!!!

01-06-10, 22:01
I get this from time to time and it can last days. The only thing that stops it is Pariet tablets from the Doctors. I had h-pylori and was treated for it a few years ago and it left me with "sensitive" digestion.
It may be worth getting yourselves tested for this as it can lead to ulcers.
I dont have any burning sensation, just bloating pain and burping.
I have found that mints can make it ten times worse but the Pariet works a treat.

Edited to add - I had no idea I had h-pylori so it really is worth getting the test.

24-11-10, 19:14
yes it is trapped wind. i get it really really bad in my back chest an belly all at the same time i am only 18 years of age and have been thro pregnancy an it feels like a contraction last an hour an half. wich is horrible coz my contractions were only lasting 2 mins every 4 mins.. an now it feels like one long one.. the pain is unbarrable an so horrific. my doctor said its a panic attack but after reading everyone comments i know what it is so thanks hope ive helped you too ..x:)

15-12-10, 01:16
Hi There
Just been reading about everyone's different experiences with trapped wind etc.

But I didn't find anyone saying that along with this trapped wind, they lose their breath?

My problem seems to be comin from in between the rib cage just under the chest, right deep in the solar plexus.
EVERYTHING i eat and drink, just stops there, and the rest is history:
Acid indigestion: Trapped Wind: Pain, and most of all, it feels like someone has hit me right in the solar plexus and winded me. It very often gets that bad, that I cannot bend, walk or stand up, for fear of passing out, because I cannot catch my breath. It is the most awful thing to have, and very scary to say the least.
And although it feels more like food being stuck, to get that *deep stomach burp* really does take the edge off of it, and I can breathe again, if only for a while.

I have this 24/7, and it has been going on for quite a few years now.
I have had an endoscopy, which only showed soreness of the stomach, and I was put on Omeprazole (which made me feel sick).
I have had the Barium Meal, where they shove the gassy stuff down your throat what nearly chokes ya, and then they make you drink this nasty yoghurt looking stuff that looks like someone has been *ill* from too much food and brought it back up lol.
Nothing showed up on that either.
Having said that, it wasn't as bad then, as it has got now.
Four years ago, all medicines, including antibiotics, started to give me allergic reactions, and whilst on Trimethoprim, I had anaphylaxis, and was rushed to hospital, with only minutes to get my throat opened up by pumping injections of adrenaline into me.
THAT FOR ME, was enough. I haven't taken a single tablet, or medicine, since that day 4 years ago.
Although come the day I get really ill, and will need to, God knows what I will do. But after suffering with Anxiety half my life, the thought of putting any medication inside me again, is beyond reasoning for me at the moment.

So ... That brings me back to this problem of ours.
Doesn't matter what I eat or drink, it will not go away.
I was told by an Alternative medicine doctor, off of the tv, that I had a *Hiatus Hernia*.
I was checked for that, but they said no at the time, although my friends was missed for 10 years before they found hers, and also, all the symptoms lead to it.
Also, gallstones, or gallbladder problems cause these symptoms too. Along with all the other things you guys have already said.

So I am at my wits end here, especially as I daren't take anything for it. I have brought the Rennie Deflatine, because it is suppose to be good for this kind of thing. BUT ... baby that i am, i daren't take it for fear of my throat closing up! Sad but true and frustrating beyond words.

I have got to the point now where I wake up in the morning, and scared to move. The nurse at the hospital said to me that because the acid is so bad in my stomach, it is coming back up through the lungs, and causing asthma symtoms, hence i keep losing my breath.
I beg to differ .....

So it is off to the docs again, before whatever it is really does finish me off, as this breathing problem is getting worse and worse, and frightening the life out of me if i'm completely honest.

So, if any of you other guys get the same thing, OR, have a lot of cataarh coming down the back of your throat, and cloggin up your chest, do let me know, as that is another thing that causes so much wind in the chest and stomach, and bad breath, it isn't true! And apparently, they don't *really* know what causes it for sure, or how to cure it!

I give up!!! Someone help PLEASE ..... X

04-01-11, 21:10
I'm sooo relieved that when I typed "trapped gas chest" into Google - that I saw good old "No More Panic" come up...

This is a new symptom for me, and I've had huge variety of symptoms over the years. I've been suffering from anxiety my whole life, I even had anxiety attacks as a small child... actually - has anyone else had anxiety since childhood?

Anyway, yes, this new thing is horrible. After I've eaten I feel like I need to burp but can't and it can get so bad that I could barely breathe.

But I'm so relieved to find it here on the anxiety site. Because it means that actually the root cause of it is the anxiety (and not the myriad other awful things my tortured mind conjures up), and that is the thing we all need to fix.

Forget the treatment of symptoms. The best thing we can do for ourselves is find a way to do this mythical pastime called "relaxing" and we should find that our symptoms subside.

I have found reading about meditation to be very helpful. I tried meditating but sometimes it makes me anxious!! But reading _about_ it seems to be soothing... Definitely a thinker and not a doer... maybe that's why I'm in this mess in the first place...

Anyone else got any good relaxation tips?

17-03-11, 19:44
Had trapped wind in the chest tried Zoton Windezze and many other remedies Nothing worked until igot Charcole capules from B.H.

13-02-13, 00:31
Hiya guys just read everybodies comments here im on the forum but i googled and it bought me straight back here lmao.....Iv been in terrible pain in my chest unbearable infact cant stop farting either sure this is the problem..

15-02-14, 22:57
hi its so good to know im not the only one suffering with this problem i never realised trapped wind could be so painful across my bust having lots of tests done at moment hopefully my doc will get to bottom of this soon its happening to me every day drinking boiling water peppermint tea goea away for a liitle while then comes back with a vengence trying to learn to live with it for now but carnt wait for the day when it goes for good.many thanks kellyyea I'm getting pain in my chest now and again and I suffer with anixety too I find this only happens wen I eat to quick or wen I'm hungry then I know I'm swallowing a lot of air this what makes me bloated and windy which leads up to my chest with a lot of belching the best thing is to eat slowely it works for me but I did rush eating last night hence why I have trapped wind in my chest as this rises from the tummy hope this helps :)

02-02-16, 13:53
i have pain in the chest, warmth and pressure, sometimes radiates to the upper back. Pain can go from left to right chest at times. I have gone to all tests - scan, xray, endoscopy, blood tests and all normal. this has been going on for 4months now. sometimes the pain is sharp on the chest and sometimes is dull but sensation can be burning at times. I do not have any stomach pain or gas. I burp all the time and get relieve temporary and it comes back. i yawn sometimes too. Please help.

03-02-16, 07:53
Mine isn't so much pain as it is pressure and tightness but yes I get it too, matter of fact it's kept me up most of the night tonight and I have to work in 3 hrs!! So frustrating lol....

11-02-17, 16:53
I am so sorry that you are going through this ,please have a read, I'm sure that you will find this useful articlehow.info/trapped-air-feeling-journey