View Full Version : :: Second Initial Assessment Worries ::

08-10-08, 09:43
Ok so its finally come around again that im going to start group therapy,

i say second as the first time my assessor thought it was best to do work with my occupational therapist before doing group.

Fair doo's i thought and went with that.


After 2 sessions with my occupational therapist i quit seeing her because of 3 things she said in 2 , 1 hour sessions:

1. 90% of all poeple with anxiety NEVER recover.

2. I wish i had a magic wand (she said this twice in same session)

3. i wont be able to hold your hand through this (a response to a question never asked)


Im 30 years old and was 4 years older than her, she was talking to me like a paediatric nurse and she infuriated me beyond belief.

what has this to do with the thread title?

SHE is going to be there when i go for my second assessment to find out which group i/they think i should go into.

Its pretty much guaranteed it will be anxiety management.

Personally i dont like my occ therapist for the above 3 reasons and because she was referred to me by my psychologist. (who i had to wait 12 months to see) I kind of thought of her as the end of the line, the top of the tree in terms of help i could get.

As usual great expectations only lead to upset.

Dont get me wrong im not naive, i just wanted little shreds of confidence boosting and possibilities from this woman and came out of both sessions feeling deflated and pole-axed.

So today i go and it will cost me £25 in taxi fair cuz im scared of buses and im getting tight chest, unsettling gut sensations, slight hint of a headache coming on and im worried about taking 2 diazepam which is what i would normally do, from a post i read yesterday.

Pray for me,

(i have visualised maybe 4 or 5 times in 2 days of me standing up in the room and pointing at her and saying " you lady did not do your job in the correct manner ", or words to that effect)


08-10-08, 10:04
good for you that your not giving up!:) hope everything goes ok x x your very brave too for taking a taxi, they always make me nervous.

08-10-08, 10:42
Ty mishel,

Luckily i got friendly with a few of the taxi drivers now bcuz of the amount of therapy ive had so they know how i am, relieves tension.

They also let me smoke in the car which helps.


08-10-08, 16:15
Ok ive been now and my group sessions start in 6 weeks,

"anxiety management" that lasts for 7 weeks, finally be able see people in the flesh who have simmilar issues to me.

One comment stuck in my head when i was talking with the co-ordinator:

"try not think of it angrily or feel hate towards it when it happens, try to be passive of it, to ignore it and see it as "oh here we go again" and in time, get bored of it.

Made me feel good,