View Full Version : funeral!

08-10-08, 10:20
hmmm i never am sure which bit to put my post in !
i am not really sure what i want or if anything but i know that sometimes writing a worry down helps. . .
i have been doing so well lately, yes i still live with anxiety and panic on a daily basis but i have not let it stop me doing stuff. . .
anyway today at 2.15 pm i have a funeral to go to at the crematorium(which is a fair drive first) and i am scared. . . my anxiety and panic are really high. i have not been to one since my dad passed away 9 years ago and i cant really remember much of that day.
i know before just knowing i have you lot behind me has helped loads so please could i have some posatvive vibes sent to me later on.
i know this is a "normal" situation but it just seems so much harder for people like us and i have to take a friend and i am finding that stressful too.
oh god soory to moan , am going to post this before i deleate it which is what i normally do.

08-10-08, 10:41
Hi rach, funerals are always stressful I think, even if you were not especially close to the deceased. You are around a lot of other people who are emotionally distressed and as an anxer, you are proably quite sensitive to that. Plus it will probably bring up memories etc BUT you will be fine. The last few funerals that I've been to have been for people that I was not very close to, so I've been more focused on the that people that I'm there with and, although I've been upset for them, taking the focus off myself and being supportive towards others has made me able to cope better. If that makes sense. You'll be fine, I hope it goes as well as these things can. Sending you positive vibes. :)

08-10-08, 14:36
Hi Rach, whilst i am writing this you will already be at the funeral so i am too late to give you positive encouragement. I hope that everything went ok and that you managed to cope with todays events. Funerals arent nice at the best of times but i am told that crems are the worst type.

08-10-08, 14:52
Sorry you have to go to a funeral, you have every right to be Anxious!

Hope you manage it.:)

08-10-08, 16:42
aww hun, hope funeral went ok, i cant go to them at all they freak me out.

im glad u got a friend supporting u, let us know how u get on. hugs xxx

08-10-08, 19:13
Hi Rach:hugs:

Sorry to hear this trust it all went well:hugs:

If you ever have any worries of this nature then ring me, I work in the business as you know:ohmy:

Sorry I dident see the post sooner

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

08-10-08, 20:44

Love Piglet :flowers:

09-10-08, 11:22
thank you all very much for the messages,
well i got through it . . . i wasnt sure when i first got there the panic and anxiety were so high everything was spinning and i was shaking. . . anyway it was ok, and i also mourned for my dad which is the first time in 9 yrs i know this sounds odd but when my anxiety etc was at its worst i lost all my emotions good or bad.
anyway i got back and felt like id been run over by a bus you know what its like once the event is over.
then had a phone call my son had collided with a car on his motorbike so i have been busy running him to hospital and getting bike sorted, he is ok just damaged his leg and in shock. . . but it never rains but it pours doesnt it.
anyway thanks again for all your thoughts it is good to know people really do understand.

09-10-08, 11:39

Big hug for you sweetheart :bighug1:

Love Lisa
xxx :flowers:

09-10-08, 17:01
Well done for coping Rach :hugs:

I hope your son makes a speedy recovery.

Karen xx

10-10-08, 22:43
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: Rach

Luv Kaz x x x :hugs:

11-10-08, 09:54
thank you ! :)