View Full Version : day to day anx

08-10-08, 12:25
hi all
does any one had any tips or good ideas as im anxious from when i wake til when i go to sleep but sumtimes dont have a p/a
i have good and bad days and have read up on similar threads on the forum and alot of people are the same as me
just want to get back to my normal self but sumtimes think it isnt going to happen

08-10-08, 14:20
Hi smiths, I couldnt agree with you more. Am I stuck with this ruddy condition for the rest of my life? I have had anx since i was in my late teens and even though it can lie dormant for years it always rears it's ugly head at some time or another (usually for no obvious reason). Infact, if i am honest-does it ever really go away? I know my limitations, abilities and fears! so is it that i just do a good job of avoiding certain situations and keep the anx surpressed somewhere within? I don't know, I really don't but I have to hope that one day Anxiety will finally get the message and realise that i don't want to be it's friend anymore. It will pack its black sack and get the hell out of my life for good!


08-10-08, 15:53

I have just read the 'am I ever going to feel good again' thread and it is very good and I think applicable to yours.

Hope is what keeps us going, I am confident it will get better.


08-10-08, 20:15
Hi smiths
You need to try and keep as active as possible and try and distract youself as much as possible. Set yourself goals each day that you want to acheive. My councilor gave me a timetable for each day that i filled out the day before so a i could set my self little goals and i ticked each one i did. She then asked me to put a score out of 10 for how anxious it would make me feel doing that task. It was a kind of contract to myself to say i'm going to do it and you could visably see you had made a step. It will fade smiths in time, but it does take time unfortunalty its not going to be gone just like that.

All the best
