View Full Version : Im really really scared.

08-10-08, 14:42
I was at my boyfriends house yesterday and we were lying on the bed,
i was fully awake but i had these strange thoughts the ones you do when you your just about to fall asleep?

Like i thought i was in a chinese place,
and just these strange alterd conciousness thoughts.

It really scared me,
i also kept seeing this scary face,
like a mask when i blinked.

Today ive been fine,
but it really scared me.

I know this face is not real and i know im not in china!
Its ridiculous,

But its made me think im not siffering from severe anxiety and dp/dr but scitzophreia.

I typed my symptoms into google and loads of stuff on phycosis came of,
its scared me to death.

I never had these thoughts before.

if youve read my last 2 posts youll know i had a very bad reaction to cannabis last year and i sufferd for months with very very bad anxiety but i did beat it in the end,
Im scared i have inhailed cannabis over the last few weeks a few times,
due to various circumstances,
i was at a party a few weeks ago and hugged somone who i knew smoked cannabis and then rolled a cigarette and had a huge panic attack after id finished it with elements of paranoia,hallucinations etc.
So i KNOW it was cannabis,
ive been told by doctors im highly intolorent to it.

This happend again on sataday,
id accepted a roll up from my friends mom,
her son smoke weed and had rolled a cogarette from the packet a few hours before.

Now im suffering from dp/dr and anxiety very badly,
i feel like im completely loosing it.

I tried SO HARD last year to beat this,
and now im back to square one.

I dont know what to do.

08-10-08, 15:00
If you listen to most of the people on this site you will find that lots of us get these bizzare sensations and thoughts. It is the anxiety messing with your mind. If you had been a long term user of cannabis then i would understand why you would think of schizophrenia but for this to happen you would have had to have been using the drug on a regular basis for a very long time. I know some people who have suffered from schizophrenia and paranoia through cannabis use and they are now fine but what you are experiencing is different. It is your unsettled mind, that is all, i really would not worry. It is a bit frightening but these thoughts don't linger, they go away.

08-10-08, 15:11
Thankyou thats the best advice ive had,
it is petrifying.
Has anyone else felt like this?


12-10-08, 20:09
Hi Lydie

I have had some really bad experiences on cannabis in my life time. When I was younger used to go clubbing and have it after and sometimes just had joints for the sake of it. NEVER AGAIN!

Looking back I never had a good reaction and maybe now I am a bit older and accepted I have an anxiety disorder I realize that this was probably the reason I could not take what it did to me with a 'pinch of salt' like some of my other friends.

When eaten in a cake or just raw I used to get really spaced out - like I had gone into another world and this freaked me out big time. When smoked it was a more predicable and controllable feeling but I did not enjoy it. I never smoked loads because it used to get to me quite badly.

If you are prone to anxiety and wired thoughts you may also wish to experiment with reducing your intake of other drugs such as caffeine, alcohol, smoking(normal cigs), and sometimes just rubbish food. I find all of these can sometimes have a negative impact on my state of mind. Not saying you should give them up, but maybe just experiment to establish exactly how what you put in your body can alter your thoughts.
