View Full Version : Everything seems horrible and depressing

08-10-08, 19:34
Hi, I'm having a bit of a bad time in my life at the minute, but what's causing it i don't know. I have nothing to feel sad about! I have a perfect partner, a good family etc... For a start i'm so scared when i'm alone, i hate having no-one to talk to and i hate doing anything without my partner. I used to be really independent but now a few hours on my own is horrible. I feel so stupid, i dislike being at work without my partner i feel vunerable and anxious without him. I get the feeling when i'm low that the world is not real and that the people i'm speaking to cannot be real- i question why we are here and how is it possible that we are here? human beings are so complicated. This may all sound stupid I don't know. I'm just sat in on my own waiting for 1030 when my partner gets home. To top things off i'm not feeling very well at the minute and that's getting me down also. Please give me some reassurance- I don't know what to do. I haven't bneing diagnosed with anxiety disoreder, my doctor just thinks i'm stressed (but about what??). x thanks for reading x

08-10-08, 19:47
aww hunny im sorry u feeling like u do, i rely on my hubby alot too and worry about him constantly cos i dont have support from any family and its really hard to think straight sometimes when they are out i know.

but my advice would be to try and do wot i am doing, keeping busy and also finding things to do that we enjoy and where we can socialise etc, so we boost our confidence alittle bit and then we wont feel so needy to our hubbys.

there is obviously something that making u feel so vulnerable and anxious, i know u say u got family etc but do u get support from them? do they understand how u feel?. also sometimes we all need a hug and abit of reassurance, if we dont get that then we start to feel anxious and alone and scared.

mayb re asess your life and if u unhappy in work then look for something else, mayb go to the gym or do some power walking or other exercise cos that always boosts confidence and makes us feel better in ourselves.

you say u used to be independent and happy, think about at wot point things started changing and did something happen to trigger how u feel now?

hugs and stay strong xxxxxxx