View Full Version : Anyone else have that terrifying unfamilar feeling?

08-10-08, 20:19
Where everywhere that is familliar looks very un recognisable?
Its absolsuslty horrible,
also . . .

I know derealiasation and depersonilization are symptoms of a panic attack but is it possible for these feelings to be consistant?
Because mine are =/

Can they get worse day by day aswell?

Or is this just me going insane.
It really feels like it.

I sat infront of the mirror tonight and cried my eyes out,
because im so scared.

08-10-08, 20:46
My derealisation and depersonalisation are constant at the moment and it is very scary so I can sympathise.

People say the best way through is to try and ignore it or let it ride over you and it will pass.

I had this before and I did get better although it's hard to believe that now......

Hope things improve soon.
Annie x

08-10-08, 22:19
Depresonalization is actually quite common amongst anxiety sufferers, though its not usually on the list for symtoms on most websites.

Derelization is definitly the most horrifying experience I've ever had in my life. They usually accompany my panic attacks or whenever I feel a bit stressed out. Today in class my prof. was talking and the feeling just hit me along with an adreniline rush. I had a feeling like i didnt know where i was or what was happening. Usually i know who i am, thats the only thing i hold onto during the derelization. But i feel utterally alone, like im in the body and mind of someone else. Its a really terryfying expreince.

When i started getting better, these feelings hit me and brought me down in a spiral back to the anxiety. Apperantly, these feelings are common when healing your anxiety and stress.

When I feel it its really hard to ignore. I just go lay down, watch t.v, put my head down or read. That usually makes it pass because Im focusing on one thing. Try focusing on one thing and not exposing yourself to loud obnoxious situations when this is happening. It will pass.

Good luck :)


09-10-08, 17:36
I have had this a lot recently and it's scary
Last night it took me ages to get to sleeep cos i kept getting scared whenever I opened my eyes, like my bedroom wasn't familiar or I forgot where I was or something :weep:
Then this morning I felt terrified something bad was going to happen to me, even though I was fine and safe :huh:
Don't you just hate anxiety LOL.
Hope you feel better soon

10-10-08, 01:09
This unreal feeling is what started my whole panic suffering. It's the worst and most awful feeling you can ever have and when you don't know what they are its even worse.

It really is one of the worst symptoms, but eating and sleeping well, do help a lot. I am going through a lot of stress in my life at the moment, but avoiding stress does help too.

I really feel for everyone that has this.

16-11-09, 00:21
Ahh i actually just got a feeling of relief reading this knowing you guys know the feeling. I get this to and its so scary and its starting to be constant :( Its kinda like once i start to get the feeling i feel like if i dont try and tell myself everything is real that it will go so far that iwont be able to get back to reality :S ugh i just hate it...it used to only be sometimes but now i feel like im getting it daily because im worrying about it so much. Im worried i will feel like this forever like ill be in this 'other place' forever. :( x

04-01-10, 03:13
This feeling is what started my anxiety. I woke up one morning and everything felt strange. Over time I have learned to focus on something else. This isn't always easy, but I do my best.