View Full Version : Goodbye

08-10-08, 20:41
Hi folks, :)

I just wanted to pop a goodbye message here, instead of vanishing overnight so to speak.

I had a long session of hypnotherapy yesterday, which is likely to really help me overcome my anxieties. My hypnotherapist has recommended, that as part of my recovering, and in order to get the most benefit from the hypnosis, that I should no longer use this website.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has sent me messages, replied to my posts, offered love and support over the past 3 weeks of my membeship. It was such a help to me.

Now the new part of my recovery must start, and the hypnotherapist is right in that I have to give all of my energy now to what we worked on during the hypnosis session.

It is a dream of mine to return to this website in a few weeks and write in the 'success stories' section of the website.

I wish you all the very best with your own personal struggles with anxiety, panic and depression. I just hope that you will all understand my motives for leaving the group.

With much respect, hugs and love for you all.

08-10-08, 20:43

i hope everything turns out well for you and you come back to tell us all how well you are doing

good luck with it all :bighug1:

jodie xxxxx

08-10-08, 20:44
hiya darren and very best of luck hun, you have answered some of my posts and been very supportive, thanku and would love to hear how u doing in few weeks matey. hugs xxxxxxx

08-10-08, 20:45
Awwww We will miss you:hugs:

But cool to know you are doing good:yesyes:

Pop back and see us:yesyes:

Kaz x x x

08-10-08, 20:47
Awwww good luck sweety!

Pop back now and again to let us know how you are!

Love Lisa

08-10-08, 20:54
Good Luck Darren,
I truely hope everything goes well for you and I will look forward to hearing about your success. Many thanks for your messages, they really helped.

Love Rebecca xxxx

08-10-08, 20:56
Good Luck Darren, Hope all works out for you hun. :yesyes:

Dont forget to come back and reply in the success section of the forum:yesyes: .


08-10-08, 20:56
Hi Darren

We will miss you of course, but hope to see you back here in a while with your success story. It's great that you are getting the help that you need, really hope it all goes well. Thanks for all the PMs :winks:.

Take care sweetie


08-10-08, 21:01
Best of luck Dazza,

Seen plenty of your posts on here giving plenty of advice and support to other sufferers, good on ya mate.
Have a good flight back.

Best wishes for the future


08-10-08, 21:28
wishing you all the best darren
I hope everything goes well for you
Plz come back and let us know how you are doing.

Take care.

Cathy V
08-10-08, 22:02
Look after yourself dear...was good to meet you, catch up with you soon maybe. :secret: Cathy V xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-10-08, 22:26
I wish you all the best Darren, you will be missed.


08-10-08, 22:50
Hiya m8y ..........

Hope u r ok and I wish you all the best hun in your progress u know my contact details if u need a chat .....Please let us know how u are as you will be soooooo missed but you have 2 do what is best 4 u hun xxxxxxxxxxx

I wish u all the best and wil be thinking of u xxx
Titch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-10-08, 22:56
Hey there good luck give it your best

Pooh x

08-10-08, 23:16
Sorry to see you go but i understand Dazza,

this site undoubtedly has some great advice but if your not carefull you can self-project extra symptoms and get caught in a circle.

You gave some honest and thought provoking replies by helping others,

do what you think is right for you,

we all should,


08-10-08, 23:32
Hi Darren,:)

Thanks for all the great advice you gave on the site. :yesyes:

I hope everything goes well for you. Do let us know how you get on.

Best wishes :D

08-10-08, 23:54
Hi Darren

I wish you the very best of luck and look forward to reading your success

'Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

09-10-08, 00:20
Hi Dazza, i Once had a therapist say this too, i don't agree with them though, I know i am new here, don't mean to but in, but i cant see why you cant have your time on here and in real life?...It's like all or 'nothing thinking' with some therapists, i have had mixed reactions one said very good others not so good, personally myself i struggle with dictation just wanted to throw my bit in. Best of luck anyhow with your recovery Oz :yesyes:

Veronica H
09-10-08, 10:01
:bighug1: Bye Dazza you have been a great help to others. I look forward to hearing news of your success.


09-10-08, 15:20
Good luck with the hypnotherapy Darren and please return with a wonderful success story.

Best wishes,


09-10-08, 16:12
Good Luck Darren

Hope everything goes well for you, will be thinking of you.

09-10-08, 16:17
Good luck Darren, may blessings be with you.

10-10-08, 16:18
Thank you all so much for the lovely messages.

I will be sure to pop back in a few weeks from now to give you an update.

By the way, while I'm here... had my cardiology appointment today. The consultant told me that he is 99.99% sure that my symptoms are not being caused by anything to do with the heart, and has taken me right off the anti-arrhythmic medication (which he said I should never have been put on in the first place). so, been given a full bill of health for me old ticker!! (You were right Cathy V! :winks: ).

Thanks again for the messages.

Love and hugs to you all.