View Full Version : feeling weird...

08-10-08, 20:45
like i'm not all there, fuzzy head and scared, ectopic heartbeats that are terrifying me, anyone else get that not all there feeling there because right now its making me panick!

Cassi xxxxx

08-10-08, 21:03
Hi Cassi,

Get the same feelings all the time, sometimes i will be in a conversation with someone and then I will feel my head fuzz over and I can't take in what they are saying or even remember what we were talking about. It is a bit like i suddenly come in to myself and my head is like cotton wool. I think it is partly to do with constantly thinking about every twinge, skipped beat etc, it just takes over my thoughts.
Sometimes i feel people think i am rude or not interested but i can't seem to focus on things for long and i disappear in to a frightening world on my own.
Anxiety sucks!!!

Rebecca xx

08-10-08, 21:06
Oh my goodness, finally someone who feels the same, i always think people think im rude/uninterested as i too can't seem to keep focused when they talk to me, i fidget about and look around etc, just can't help it, iv got these feleings again now, its that time of month but havnt felt this anxious for a while, then again my nana is just out of hospital,gave me quite a scare yesterday, so i know im anxious/worried about that too.

Thanks for your reassurance xxx