View Full Version : up and down like a yo yo

08-10-08, 21:19
hi all
I am a new user to this site although I have been finding comfort from reading stuff in the forum.
I have been bad for 2 months now and started from getting a virus while heavily stressed from a death in the family plus my dad having a stroke. I became really panicky and upset and was worried about every ache or pain I got. Ive sinced been diagnosed with health anxiety. what I am finding hardest is that I am so up and down. I can be so happy (almost hyper) one minute and then its almost like my mind knows Im relaxing so it gives me a reminder of my worries. I had a bad reaction to anti d's which has done me a favour in some respects as I now feel I want to deal with this myself. Ive realised the mind is a powerful thing and Im battling it daily to get my old self back.
Ive had aches, pains, sore armpits, headaches, crying, snappy and all because of this anxiety. (obviously I have been to the doctor with all this as I need constant reassurance!) tests all clear so no reason to think there is anything wrong with me but still I cant get in into my brain.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?

08-10-08, 21:27
I'm also new to site. Totally understand where you are coming from. I am suffering from 'tension headache' at the moment. GP has said nothing wrong but my mind is telling me 'brain tumor'. It's just terrifying, living in constant fear all the time. It's like when will it end. I've had this on and off for 5 or more years. I've had all sorts of treatment for 'health anxiety', cbt ect but it works for a while and then something comes up like an ache or a spot & i'm off again. What a living nightmare.

Chin up ay, what else can we do.


08-10-08, 21:33

Don't worry, your thread describes most of us here on this forum.
I have had all of your symtoms and still have them from time to time.

We all experiance these horrid daily symtoms, which we think are serious but 99% of our worries are not serious.

Use this forum, it will help you and make you feel not alone, which is important.


08-10-08, 21:52
thanks for replying - I dont like the feeling that I might always be like this as it has a huge affect on me and my family at the moment.

My thing at the moment is breast cancer because i have pain in my left breast/armpit. had it checked and again all fine but still not in my head.

have been reading dr claire weekes books : self help for your nerves and essential help for your nerves and have found them fantastic.

going to add a new thread asking about what people would put in a panic survival kit - look out for it!
