View Full Version : Panic survival kit!

08-10-08, 21:56
Hi all

I am seriously thinking of creating a panic survival kit to take out with me as a sort of comfort blanket.

Has anyone done this?

Any ideas what you would put in it?

Mine would contain a choc bar for energy boost, water, my self help book, maybe a lucky stone?? Whatever it takes....

08-10-08, 22:05

Maybe a list of positive thoughts.....?


08-10-08, 22:11
yes absolutely!
I often think I will get a list of positive thoughts as my cup is always half empty!

09-10-08, 16:19
bottle of water, rescue remedy spray, tissue with lavendar oil on it and my mp3 to distract myself when panic strikesx!
Wenjoy x

09-10-08, 21:55
Thanks Wenjoy - great ideas!
I have never tried rescue remedy spray although i have heard of it. What does it do?I understand the lavender thing as I have been using bubble bath with lavendar in.
thanks again:yesyes:

09-10-08, 22:14
I did a thread on this very thing a few years ago lol! :yesyes:


Piglet :flowers:

09-10-08, 22:19
thanks piglet
great minds eh... fab list, i have never tried rescue remedy buteveryone mentions it
chocoholic x

09-10-08, 22:25
I used to carry a couple of Diazepam with me. Didn't really need to take them as just having them and knowing they would kill a panic was enough to stop panic starting. it's a crutch, I know, but it worked.


10-10-08, 04:55
I take water and Diazepam too
Phill :shades:

10-10-08, 06:43
I take water and Diazepam too
Phill :shades:

Wise choice :yesyes: sunglasses too.

10-10-08, 08:21
Hi Choco,
My survival kit use to be, My MP3 with positive thoughts, calming talks, how to deal with a panic attack talk. I use to also take my psp, sounds silly because i am 38 yrs old, but trying to brain training really really took my mind off things, having to add up very quickly ect.. I used to take a cold apple to chew through playing the game. Also a list of positive thoughts..
I do say i use to take these things out with me, because i forget to take them now, it helped me so much i didnt need them anymore. So really good post from you, i hadnt realised how well i had done. This is some thing i had forgotton that i use to do oh so often, every time i went out, and used nearly every time i went out.
Take care

10-10-08, 08:41
When I'm feeling nervous I keep my phone with me at all times (so I can call my mum or an ambulance :blush:) and my Ativan pills. I rarely use them but just knowing that they're there helps me keep calm.

10-10-08, 09:49
Yes, i agree, rescue remedy - drops/spray or sweets. Neroli essential oil is also a good one for panic attacks , as is Ylang ylang - particularly good for palpitations/racing heart. I always have some of these around. If you can get to a kettle then some Valerian tea bags are good as well, don't taste that great but you could add honey/sugar.

Hey Phill2, i like your little quote - it is very true. Whilst we worry about our health life is passing us by. I once heard the saying, life is what happens while you are busy making other plans, I change it to life is what happens when i am busy worrying about my health. It is a waste of a life isn't it??


10-10-08, 13:07
hi all
thanks for posts - its been really helpful to me and i hope lots of others too!
choco x