View Full Version : Does this happen to you?

09-10-08, 00:42
Hi all, I have had some real symptoms for 4 months--stabbing/pulsating pains that hit my ankles, toes, spine, fingers. At the onset I had extreme joint cracking. Now I have non stop muscle twitches. I am still trying to figure out what is going on via getting tons of tests done. However a little part of me wonders if this is due to my father's illness. He was dx w term pc and 1.5 wks after these symptoms hit hard. Note I was feeling tired and getting dizzy spells before his dx. My father has since passed-he lasted less than 3 months.

I google my symptoms all the time and since this started I have been convinced (rightfully so with my symtpoms) that I have brain,spine cancer, ALS, MS, the list goes on. Currently I truely think I have MS>

However, my question is sometimes I read symptoms and not moments later I have them. Like with MS I know if you put your chin down, often people get an electrical type pain down their legs. Well I tried that today and got a vibration type feeling in my left thigh. Not sure it its really there or what. I mean I really do think its MS though my MRI was okay (note it was without contrast). However, I know with other things in the past I think I have manifested things. Like when my dad was first dx with pc, I started to get a left sided pain (that I have had before) I was convinced it was pc. Or my bosses sister died of an anyeriesm and one day later I started to get head pains (though I have had them before)

Any thoughts on this?

09-10-08, 09:28
Hi k2, a while ago there was a really useful post about muscle twitches. Have a read, it may help you:


I think we've all felt the symptoms of something we've just heard about, read about or know of someone having. It's a sure indicator that the symptoms are "somatised" and induced by anxiety.