View Full Version : Im really sorry guys - Really struggling

09-10-08, 10:13
Hi Guys, i have been really struggling with my anxiety over the past 3 weeks and i have actually hit rock bottom in the past few days. I have this big white patch on my bottoms lip thats caused it to swell a little. Its not a lump, or an ulcer / coldsore and theres no cut its not sore or anything. Under the skin i can just see an area of white. I did the worst things and googled it and it looks exactly like mouth cancer - I am 20 years old and havent stopped crying for 2 days. I have a midwife appointment today at 1.30 and as she isnt a nurse she wont be able to help and my doctors and dentist appointment isnt until wednesday. I really cant cope with this anymore, i am so low and so scared that im not going to see my baby grow up


09-10-08, 10:23
Tash, the nurse will be able to help. Show it to her - she will be able to explain what it is likely to be and put your mind at ease. You don't have mouth cancer. No googling, and try to stop checking. It's your thoughts that are making you feel this way. Focus on the thoughts, when and why are getting them rather than what they are telling you.

09-10-08, 10:57
Hey hun..i doubt very much that its cancer...anxiety is just takng over your thoughts again..of course your going to see your baby grow up your still young...congratulations on your baby hun..please dont google as it makes it a hundred times worse...keep strong hun...xx:hugs:

Cathy V
09-10-08, 11:10
Health anxiety can be very extreme during pregnancy. There are/have been members who have struggled to cope with their anxiety and its mainly because of hormone peaks, and if you're prone to anx around your period etc, then pregnancy can make it worse.

As has been said, your midwife can help you. Midwives are trained in the same way as any other nurse, and then they just go on to specialise in delivering babies, but they have full knowledge so please talk to her. Was this fear of mouth cancer around before your pregnancy? seems to be so many young women on nmp with this health fear.

Cathy xxx

09-10-08, 11:53
Heya Guys, i never had health anxiety before falling pregnant so these feelings are a big surprise to me. I have always worried about my family and things but never my health. My midwife is booked for 1.30 so i will let you know what she says but in the 6 months i have been pregannt i have made myself physically sick over lung cancer, breast cancer and now mouth cancer. It started with the HIV test you have to have when pregnant i know i dont have HIV but i started thinking what happens if i dont see my baby grow up. Since then i have been awful and the only time i am happy is when i am at the doctors


09-10-08, 15:50
Tash I had HA years and years ago but it gradually went away and for years and years never returned. I had a baby 12 months ago and it came back with a vengence!
Try not to worry hunny and speak to your mw about how you are feeling - I,ll bet she smiles and reassures you!
Take care and good luck with your new baby

09-10-08, 22:01
Hi tash, I hope seeing the midwife today has put your mind at rest and you
are feeling better this evening.
Health anxiety is such a terrible thing to suffer from and not one everybody understands, I suffer too but in a different way, I dont think I have these things,,, I think everybody else has,, if that makes sense.
Being a trained nurse I remember all the symptoms for everything, and years ago I was proud to be in the profession and remember all of them,, now years down the line and no longer nursing , Its a disadvantage, Googling is wrong, we know, as it always leads to the worst thing ever,but when we are suffering with high anxiety as we do it seems the right thing to do.
Please let us know how your day has gone, big hugs to you.:hugs:

10-10-08, 02:38
im so sorry you think you have mouth cancer!! i know its scary when you can see somthing there physically isnt it?:scared15: my mouth was in very very bad condition.. i have spots ans weird ulcer looking things everywhere! i went to the dentist just yesterday.. i was sure to i had mouth cancer:weep: and had already prepared myself for the worst. .. your so young and ..my mouth is horrible!! and i didnt have mouth cancer.. i am positive you will be fine! people get weird things in there mouths all the time and 99% of the time it is not cancer... especially at your age.. it would be extremly rare if you have mouth cancer... infact so rare .. i think cows would start to grow wings and fly :scared15: ... its a infection or a cist those are very common but it is not mouth cancer. :hugs: your dentist should give you somthing to get rid of your infection:hugs: . trust me iknow how you feel i myself had a big mouth cancer scare.. if you need to talk me just let me know :winks: