View Full Version : natural remedies

09-10-08, 10:15
Can anyone recommend anything that you can take while on anti d's? I'm on citaprolam. I'm on tranqs which I'm gradually stopping taking cos I don't think they work anyway and I'm not gonna increase my dose cos I'm afraid of addiction and withdrawal :(

09-10-08, 12:31
Hi Lisa

What type of thing were you looking for?? What is it you want the herbal remedies for? x

09-10-08, 13:55
like natural tranqs or something like that? instead of taking the real thing.

09-10-08, 16:17
You could try Kalms or rescue remedy spray - something like that?
Wenjoy x

09-10-08, 17:14
tried Kalms, they didn't work, bit worried about the side effects on some things, hoping to get some feedback on things others have tried.

09-10-08, 22:22
I use rescue remedy which kind of works if the anx isn't bad allows tastes nasty, apparantly like whiskey! That may be useful to try?

09-10-08, 22:58
5-htp & st johns wort but they can interfer with SSRI's & Antidepressants so please check this first xx