View Full Version : new to anxiety, are these common symptoms

09-10-08, 10:54
i have not been too well for some time now. been to the docs numerous times but they cant seem to find anything wrong with me.

It all started in June, when my daughter had to have an operation for which I got very worked up about. I soon started with symptoms rather like tonsilitis...sweating, sore throat, aching etc... I was prescribed antibiotics, which didnt really help much.
I have since got myself into a real state about my health and visited the docs numerous times. On my last visit I explained that I was very low and worried about myself and he said I could be suffering Anxiety, for which he has prescribed me with fluoxetine.

My symptopms are:

obsessing about my throat.
feeling sick all the time, especially on a morning
butterflies in my stomach
"prickly" throat.
Sore, burning tongue down one side which seems to get worse, especially when I get stressed out.
feeling down.
feeling that I have something serious wrong with me.

Since I have started taking fluoxetine I have the feeling that I have something stuck in down my throat. adams apple area. is this normal??

09-10-08, 11:18
Hi hun..it sounds like you may have health anxiety..it is all normal hunni..i can assure you..this site has helped me alot im sure it will help you too hun...the people are all so friendly....feel free to message me if you need a chat....keep strong..xx:bighug1:

09-10-08, 12:04
Hi there

Yes, that all sounds pretty typical of anxiety, or at least my experience of it. I'm also on Prozac/fluoxetine and have experienced the throat congestion, so it could be down to either the meds or the anxiety. Either way it should clear with time.
Hope you're feeling better soon.:flowers:

09-10-08, 14:25
Hi Worrier,

One of my main obsessions at the moment is my throat, I get like a constant fluttering in it and sometimes feels like my windpipe is being squashed. I too have many of the symptoms you describe. I have been to the doctors and have been told repeatedly it is anxiety. I am on to 5th day on fluoxetine and my throat is driving me mad, it feels like a have a bubble of air stuck in it. But I am determined to keep going with them because I think (hope) things should settle down soon.

I hope things pick up for you soon.

Rebecca xx