View Full Version : Panic Attacks - Relapse

09-10-08, 11:24
Hi there, I am new to this site this week and was hoping for some re-assurance.
About a year ago i fainted unexpectedly and as a result suffered from panic attacks combined with depression following this (i am 28). I was put on Citalopram for this and also attended CBT training which helped a lot. Although things were awful to begin with, with agraphobia, etc things did eventually improve and were going great and I took it upon myself to reduce my dose from 20mg to 10mg (in July this year) for a month or so and then finally down to 0 on my own back. Because I was feeling so good about things I felt this was the right thing to do and my consultant wasnt one of these people that would encourage this so I didnt tell him. I am getting married next year and wanted to be clear from the drugs and anxiety way before this.

However since attending a client meeting about 3 weeks ago (the faint had happened at a client meeting) i have been having panic attacks on and off and basically getting myself into a right state that it is all happening again. Im now worried that I took myself off the pills too early, worried that I havent told the consultant, trying to keep this to myself as i dont want to worry everyone else again, and basically feel like crying every morning. This is also worrying me that it is depression too and also that I will also suffer from this for the rest of my life. Something I burst into tears just thinking about.

I have just booked up to see a therapist again, hopefully for some words of re-assurance but guess I was just hoping for some kind words from people that have been through the same. It always feels as bad as the first time round.

x x x x

09-10-08, 14:08

Like yourself my panic attacks and agoraphobia started as a result of blacking out while pregnant.

I would love to offer positive advice, but i am going through a rough time myself.


Veronica H
09-10-08, 14:22
:welcome: to NMP Claire. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. This is available from the NMP Shop. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded to your MP3 from NMP too. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.


09-10-08, 15:58
Thanks for your kind words.

About this time of day I become more sane and know that this is all within my control. Just the way they come back as strong and frightning as the first time round is scary.

THanks for the book idea, I believe I read this about a year ago and remember it being an excellent book which helped a lot. Perhaps a re-read is what the doctor ordered.

I am also waiting for my therapist that I used to see to call with an appointment so I think that will help too.

Chins up everyone and thanks again.