View Full Version : hiv test....finally done it

09-10-08, 11:35
hi everyone i started postin on here a few months ago after been diagnosed with anxiety..mainly health anxiety, and manily worrying over having hiv...
well, i have carried this around with me for months now and have googled everything that confirmed my diagnosis that i definetly was hiv posotive..i had almost every symptom....yesterday i just couldnt take it any more and went and had the test..thank god it was negative...
i still have the symptoms but the relief was overwhelming...so i am making a promise NEVER to google my symptoms again and to really try get a grip of myself and stop wasting my life worrying..i know its going to be tough but i have to do it....
If anyone out there is doing what i have done for the last 6months then please go see your docotor, get a test, speak to someone because i have made myself physically ill and although its easy to say now it could have all been avoided if i had faced up to it in the beginning...
this anxiety SUCKS!!!!!

09-10-08, 12:00
Congratulations and well done!:yesyes:

Always best to get it over with, dwelling on it, stressing and Googling just make the symptoms worse, as I know from experience...

09-10-08, 15:44
Well done to you :D
I know how scary it is to actually get myself to place for a check or test so know how you must have felt to actually go and have the test and then wait for the result.
Doesn't it just go to show how incredible the mind can be at times!
take care

09-10-08, 17:33
Well done and best of luck!!

09-10-08, 20:11
davidb37026, sharon doesn't think that she has HIV now and is advocating no googling to others. That's kind of the point of this thread.

sharon, well done for getting the test, I'm glad it's put your mind at rest. And yes, anxiety does suck :).

10-10-08, 14:00
thankyou all for your replies..not so sure about davids though....

10-10-08, 14:46
gratz sharon im glad your feeling better:hugs:

10-10-08, 15:47
Well done Sharon must be something in the air, I went and had the blood test I have been carrying around for a month, scared of needles, fainting etc, but the staff at the blood clinic were fantastic!!!!

Will have my results in about a week not sure what I am expecting as I had hormone levels checked and a Full Blood Count.

Once again well done let the healing process start now.

12-10-08, 14:03
Hi Sharon,

I too was worried about having HIV, even tho there wasn't much reason to be worried about it. But when you suffer from anxiety any small worries can seem a hundred fold. In the end one morning I woke up and thought I can't take this gut wrenching fear that I was waking up with everyday, so I went straight away to a private clinic and paid over £100 for a hiv test. And because it had been a year since I thought I may have caught something I was able to have the rapid hiv test and get the result within 60 seconds. It was negative and the best £100 I have ever spent :biggrin: I still suffer most of the symptoms of anxiety but I no longer have that gut wrenching fear.