View Full Version : Feeling uneasy and scared!

09-10-08, 17:52
Have been on here previously regarding my fear about having a fit whilst suffering with this anxiety thing.
I don't suffer from Epilepsy but got the thought in my brain one day ages ago that my brain may malfunction because of the increased stress etc.Anyway I mentioned to the doctor on one of my recent vists that this was a fear I had,she just smiled and said I probably wouldn't have one and anxiety didn't cause them anyway,I left feeling a little reasurred.Today I was in the car with my husband and found a first aid book which he got yesterday at work after attending a first aid course,and it says under the heading Epilepsy that tiredness can be a trigger,ANXIETY! and emotional upset,my god I thought that anxiety couldn't contribute,Jesus it's all lies again,one doc says one thing and then you read something that just contradicts everything.I feel a bit anxious about this now and my husband just sighed and said don't believe everything you read,but why would they print it if it wasn't true?it was a first aid book for christ's sake.
I know I shouldn't get myself too worked up about it but I bought a Dr Claire Weekes book not so long ago and she also says that nerves can't bring a fit on either so who do i believe?
Does anybody else have any thought's on this?,I just want to feel reasurred.

09-10-08, 17:56
Hello mothermac,

I haven't heard of this before in all the time i have suffered from anxiety, which is for many years. Do you think if you already suffer from epilepsy then if you are tired or anxious it can bring on a fit. Maybe the pamphlet wasn't worded very well.

09-10-08, 18:28
Hi Rosie,thanks for replying,my husband agree's with you,if you already suffer from Epilepsy then anxiety,upset,and tiredness can bring on a fit.Is this what you meant?My husband just said that if you are pre-disposed to it and have had it some years then you will be prone to them over emotional upset.I feel a little better, but I just hope the booklet WAS! worded wrongly.

09-10-08, 18:47
Yes, if people already suffer from epilepsy they are prone to have a fit when anxious or stressed. Try not to worry about it. Unfortunately things aren't always made clear and can easily be misinterpreted.:)

09-10-08, 18:59
There's nothing wrong with you honey.....