View Full Version : cant go on like this

09-10-08, 18:16
hi everyone, sorry for this but i dunno what else to do or where else to turn. it seems to me the only people who understand are on this site. i cant take this stupid illness anymore. i havent eaten or slept properly in weeks. all i can eat with out feeling sick and gaging is junk food, crisps choc and things like toast and chips. and even then i pick at them. my dad dosnt understand i really cant eat meals and is going mad at me. its not my fault i really do gag after a few mouth fulls. so then i panic and try to eat something so i dont feel dizzy and faint but i always do cos i have this stupid agoraphobia and panic attacks and im sick of feeling like im dieing im sick of the panic attacks im sick of being stuck indoors im sick of the fear im sick of the sleepless nights im sick of not being able to eat and im sick of living. i cant do this anymore

09-10-08, 18:57
awwh, sorry to hear you're having such a hard time
I agree that it's so hard to deal with anxiety, but we all keep each other strong and somehow we manage to keep going.
Try eating nuts or something more healthy, it might make you feel better. Have you tried listening to music or anything to help you sleep?
I feel for you as i know how hard it is, hope you're feeling happier soon
Take Care

09-10-08, 19:00
Hello PixieL,

Really sorry to hear you are suffering like this. Have you spoken to your Doctor, because he will be able to help you. Your Dad is probably very worried about you and your eating and that is why he gets cross; these anxiety problems are so difficult for other people to understand, espcially for those close to us because they often don't know how to help.

I am glad you have found this site, because you will find some good advice here. We all know what it is like to suffer, and so many of us begin to feel better with treatment.

09-10-08, 19:00
Get some medication..like xanax or lorazpaem...hello

09-10-08, 19:03
I use Seroquel for sleep. Works like a charm. And I agree you should at least snack on something healthy like carrots or fruit. Even dried fruit. That junk food isn't going to help you feel better at all.
Good luck and life does get better.

09-10-08, 19:07
Listen to music....and at the same time, cook. Cook something with a recipe from a book, read that book while cooking. Then, eat the meal you made. After that, go out for a walk. Come home and try to watch a nice movie. When you're done with that, at night, head to bed and while in bed, try to make yourseld limp. Breathe in, breathe out and keep thinking about the future

09-10-08, 19:52
Pixie, are you getting any help with your anxiety? If not, do ask for some. Your doctor is a good first port of call. He/she will be able to suggest different treatments for you and you can talk about what would be best - meds, therapy, whatever.

With your eating, try to make sure that you have a good breakfast, and you'll find that you don't get so hungry so quickly. Have something substantial and slow-burning, like porridge with fruit or wholemeal toast with peanut butter or an egg. Drink plenty of fluids in the day. Have healthy snacks at hand for whenever you feel a bit hungry, like seeds, nuts and dried fruit. Don't try to eat huge great big meals if you don't feel like it.

09-10-08, 20:16
hey everyone, i went and had a good cry n now i kind of feel a little better. ill try to get some nuts and things thats a good idea, the only reason im eating junk is cos its about the only thing i dont gag on. i've been eating lots of toast to. i had my doctor help me but it made things alot worse as he decided the best thing would be to put me on as many meds at high doses as poss. social services got involved after my treatment was taken over by the mental health team at the hospital and they decided to lay off giving me meds for now after what happened. my dad dose put huge meals in front of me and it is off putting if you feel sick anyway, but theres no talking to him about it. he just reminds me that when he was my age they would have locked me up in a mental hospital. i dont think he understands how much comments like that hurt

09-10-08, 21:31
Pixie - glad you're feeling a bit better. A good cry can be just what you need. :) Do you have anyone else around you that you can talk to about this - auntie, grandparent, brother, sister, boyfriend/girlfriend, someone from the mental health team - other than your dad? I'm sure he means well but obviously is upsetting you sometimes. I really hope you get the help you need. We're always here if you need to let off steam. :)