View Full Version : Cold dread

09-10-08, 18:37
Hopefully someone can help me have swollen glands and headaches, which are causing me to panic, I am going to the doctor tomorrow for reassurance, but it all seems so real mid panic attack. I can't help feeling like it's something terrible wrong with me. How can I calm down?

09-10-08, 18:53
There are loads of cold-type things going round.
It deffinately sounds like a cold or flu to me, I wouldn't worry.
Drink plenty of water and get lots of rest.
Hope you feel better soon

09-10-08, 22:10
ive had the same thing and it is a bug tho i keep having to remind myself this.
dont worry everyone is coming down with bugs at the mo, all flu type symptons.
take care, rest up:)

09-10-08, 23:05
its cold season, dont worry :) My glands and tonsils are constantly swollen, and it used to scare me, but i knwo im just more prone to colds and stuff like that. Just take deep breaths. Nothings wrong. Swollen Glands are quite common.