View Full Version : Misserable - scared of life :(

09-10-08, 20:57
Just needed to get it down ......

THoughts are driving me mad and feel like I am losing it, although have been in this position enough to know I never actually go mad but horrible feeling none the less!
My DP/DR and thoughts are horrible. What if I am not real? WHat if the world is not real? What if I'm really crazy and imagining this? Why am I scard of EVERYTHING? and I mean everything....I'm scared of believing everyone on forum's advice because I wory that perhaps I'm imagining it. I'm scared of my kids growing up because life is passing too fast. I'm scared of dying when I'm young or old. I'm scared of everything that I can't explain becuase it makes me question my own sanity.

These horrible thoughts lead me to worrying about dying and my own mortality and it petrifies me so much that I begin to wonder why no-one else worries about it and then brings me full circle to what if I'm not real?!!

The thoughts don't ever rest, I'm waking up so tired because my brain never stops thinking/worrying and I am beginning to wonder if I will feel like this forever and it irritates me because I want to be able to enjoy my life and not waste it worrying about it not being real. But explaining this to anyone else woud sound totally crazy!

How can I get back to normal??

Annie x

09-10-08, 22:18
Hi Annie

I've been like that in the past, so I know how you must be feeling. Your mind is in overdrive. What you need to do is find a way to relax so as to wind down and give your mind a rest.

Of course your not going mad. It's because your mind is zooming through so many thoughts that your confidence in what you are thinking is at a low, so you don't know what to believe. I bet most people on this forum have felt like that at sometime. It will pass.


11-10-08, 21:17
Thanks Tom - hopefully it willlset

11-10-08, 21:18
sorry keyboard issues! Thanks Tom - hopefully it will setlle down soon.

Annie x

11-10-08, 23:10
Hi Annie, hope your feeling better now. It's a fact that everyone thinks about their own mortality at some time in their life. I've done it plenty of times in the past myself, but now seem to be OK with it. Different people have their own way of dealing with it. Some find relief in religion and others, like myself, come to the conclusion that it's not worth worrying about something that doesn't immediately threaten you. We're all in this life together, and we all face the same problems and fate, so you can get some strength form the fact that we all have something in common and you are not alone.


12-10-08, 14:49
hey annie:ohmy:

i know how you feel and what you are going threw.. i think about that :ohmy: often.. i havent mastered it.. its the only thing that can drive me into a full blown panic attack.. its been worse tho.. now i just catch the thought in my head and think about somthing else quickly be4 i start picking at the thought of death in my brain... if that makes any sense:wacko: .. ever since i was a kid ive had this problem.. hmm if you ever need somone to talk to look me up:whistles:

12-10-08, 19:57
Hey man, hope you are feeling better now, been a while since your post.

I have felt the same recently, just lying in bed thinking about absolutely everything and every little detail about whatever the subject it is - drives me mad. Have also had a few scary thoughts as well.

The only think I can recommend to you is to try and reconnect with other humans when you feel like that (even if they are not awake, i.e. think about a special person in your life and how they make you feel about being alive). For instance think about looking into your kids eyes and think about what you are able to do for them to make their future as bright as possible and what an inspiration they are for you.

I have recently become an uncle and try to picture my little Nephew's face and the think of the special vibe I get from him when I am holding him and he looks at me.

We all get scared, some people admit it and others just ride it out. Accepting your own mortality is a good thing if you ask me as you are not taking life for granted. Some people just life life without any respect for it. Now you have thought about it you can move on and get on with what you know in your heart is the really important things. When you get the thoughts again, turn them round into postive things and don't punish yourself.
