View Full Version : I am aslo new and need help!

09-10-08, 21:21
Hi Everyone :)

My name is Chris I am 39 years old and I live in the U.S. San Diego. In 2006 my mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer. I am the rock in the family especially in bad times, and so everything is communicated to me. I rescued the disease gave my family hope and listen to everyone. I myself like to keep everything to myself (problems, worries etc.)
In December 2007 I was shopping with my husband and felt all of the though ten dizzy, cold just not myself, I also felt the urge to go to the bathroom, I told my husband that I need to eat something and so we where going to a restaurant where my heart started to raise and I felt that I am passing out any minute. So my husband drove me to the ER where my heart rate and everything was normal and the Doctor from the Er said I experienced an Anxiety Attack. It took me almost 2 month feeling better and I forgot about it and was going on with my life.
After remission in 2008 we fund out that my moms cancer is back and In May I noticed that my beloved Mahkwa (German Shepherd is losing a lots of weight). Mahkwa was born in my bedroom on 1/29/2005 and needed my help right away. I bottle feat him etc. he was my shadow and I was his. He could read my mind he was very special to me. I tried everything from vets appointment to UC Davis but I couldn't save him and on July 4 I had to make the most difficult decision to put him down. After that in two weeks I lost 15 pound cried and was lost. After four weeks I rescued another German Shepherd Yuli. and in mid August I decided to quite smoking and used the Nicorett patch, on the same day I felt my heart pounding but two days later it was gone. 3 days later I had a big disagreement with our roommate and this evening I was going to bed and felt stomach sick, I got up and my chest was hurting, unable to breath tingling in my arms and legs, and dizzy. I told my son to drive me to the ER and I got an EKG and the assistant put me back in the waiting room we waited for two hours and then icied to leave ( I figured if it would be serious They wouldn't made me wait and felt better). But I saw my GR and he said it is stress and Anxiety. Every since I feel my herat pounding and felt stomach sick, dizzy. The feelings come and go. I got a Event Monitor put every time I pressed the bottom the people said I am fine. I will have a Stress Test on the 21st. My GP put me on Prozac which I got sever Site Effects and stooped taking it after on dose. I stated taking Ultimate Anxiety Relief (which has no site Effects) and I feel better off and on, but it says to give it a week and i just started 2 days ago. But I notice I am sleeping better and my heart pounding is way better.
I still think so that I am seriously ill and I am starting not trusting my GP I even consider changing. I think this is putting me into Anxiety thinking oh I have a heart disease, I maybe have stomach cancer, brain cancer I am GOING TO DIE.
I am thinking that my Mahkwa had a disease no body could fund and now I am having it (Related to weight loss) he lost 20 pound and I lost by know close to 20 pounds I am 5'9 and my normal weight was 157 lb. I am just so afraid that every doctor says you have Anxiety/Panic and reality it is something else.

What I do now:
biweekly massage
no stress
cutting down on coffee and smokes
taking ultimate Anxiety Relief Supplement
Calm tea
Jacuzzi time

Feeling better, but some days like today fighting it. How long do you feel like this is it normal to feel symptoms after almost 2 month of Attack?

I am glad finding this website and hope in finding friend who understand what I am talking about


09-10-08, 21:41
Hi, welcome to NMP. You've been through alot. It does take a week or so for the supplement to take full effect. It is normal to feel the effects of a panic attack for months afterward since your body is wore down from everything else happening in your life. The loss of a beloved pet effects you deeply since in a way you depended on them like everyone else depends on you. Do keep in tune with your body and mentioned anything at all that seems unusual to your GP. If you need to ask me any questions, please feel free to do so. My mother and I both have panic disorder and high blood pressure and phobias.


09-10-08, 21:50
Thanks so much!

Yesterday I felt so good until I noticed I lost more weight and today I am in a total panic about the weight. I getting my massage later hope I am going to make it through the hour. :blush:


09-10-08, 21:51
Hi Chris

How are you today? After reading your post im not surprised with the symptoms you are experiencing.
Its very hard trying to be so strong for the family(im exactly the same) but eventually all rocks can crack.....
My story is very similar to yours, even with the dogs...my poor sharpei has suddenly gone blind!

I cant offer any solution to your stress hunnie but please feel free to contact me if you need a chat
luv Tracie x

09-10-08, 21:57
hiya chris and welcome to nmp, u will find loads of great advice and support here and make new friends too.

my nan died 3 yrs ago of stomach and bone cancer and i was devastated and spent along time after thinking i had cancer and alsorts wrong with me.

the only way i could deal with them was to keep busy and not read or watch anything that would set me off.

the health anxiety and panic u are suffering are just your reaction to close people and pets being ill or dieing, which has made u scared, upset and feeling quite alone etc.

exercise helps so much too and i walk every day loads cos it keeps me in good postive frame of mind and helps with anxiety issues.

hugs xxxxxxxxxxx

09-10-08, 22:09
hi everyone, i am very new to this forum/chat room thing and not really sure what to do or say! i'm 25 and have had this phobia since i was about 8. it's got worse as i've got older. i'm hoping to find people on here that know what it's like and understands and maybe share coping techniques?

09-10-08, 22:15
Hi Chris

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


10-10-08, 15:55
Hi Chris,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


10-10-08, 16:01
Thank you all for your support!

milly jones
10-10-08, 20:06
a really warm welcome to no more panic

love from milly xxxx

10-10-08, 23:29
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

10-10-08, 23:41
Hiya, welcome to Nmp its great to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.