View Full Version : Prelude to panic....

09-10-08, 21:54
I don't know if this will sound weird but I'll try to explain as best I can.....

I've been feeling like I'm going to have a full blown serious panic attack for about 5 days. Its like there's a little volcano of anxiety bubbling away under my skin, just kinda simmering but getting a little bit stronger each day. I've been feeling 'on edge' and not quite settling. I've been having all sorts of psychosomatic pains in my back, neck, shoulders and head. I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff and I'm about to fall off in to a full panic attack. I feel like it'll only take one little stress trigger and I'll fall. I can't seem to dampen down these feelings and get back on track again without having a panic attack


10-10-08, 00:49
It doesnt sound wierd at all. It is called anticipatory panic. It is what happens when you fear it is going to happen but hasnt quite gotten there yet. Try and relax yourself. I know that sounds hard right now. If it does come dont try and fight it. That will only make it worse. Maybe it will go away and everything will settle back down for you. I hope it goes that way. Take care.

Veronica H
10-10-08, 08:59
hi Mandy
I have experienced this. It drives you crazy to the point where you think 'well just come instead of hovering like this'. What helped for me was running on the tread mill ( as this is a build up of adrenaline with nowhere to go) this helps to burn it off. Then try not to fear or dwell on it too much. ( I know, easier said than done).

10-10-08, 09:44
I often get this but it goes away on it's own.
Veronica has a good suggestion . Try to use up the adrenalin by excercising. - go for a brisk walk or even jump up and down. Screaming also helps me.
Hope you get rid of it soon.
All the best, Dave.