View Full Version : Lasik

09-10-08, 22:09
Just wondering if anybody here has had Lasik and what were the results?

09-10-08, 22:26
I had lasik a year ago and the results were better than 20/20 vision in about 24hours. And been great ever since and had no problems. I do have to say that the operation itself while only taking a few minutes scared the hell out of me. They gve me a sedative and either it didn't work or if I hadn't taken it I would have leapt up and run shrieking around the room. When people ask me about it I always tell them that part haha. Then they say "do you regret having it done"? Well no I think its fantastic :) :) I used to be extremely short sighted. There was no pain during or after the op. I know quite a lot of people who had it done (same place as me), and two of them had dry eye problems for about 3 months but that's it.