View Full Version : Panic ridden/EMT/Children of hippies

31-05-05, 23:28
Hey all! I thought i would let you all know what i was about so here it is.
My name is dan and i have been an EMT here in San Diego For almost six years now. I have been dealing with panic attacks for about three years now ( i had had some before but very few and mostly while on drugs). I am currently taking time off from the medical business to reasses my career path.
It all started with a week of heavy partying in TN (where i grew up for the most part) that involved Mushrooms, ecstasy, weed and booze. I had done plenty of drugs before with no serious reprecussions but i never really did ecstasy. Just didn't have a good feeling about it. On the last night of this "gathering" i ingested many mushrooms and way more ecstasy thatn anyone should. it was the first time in my life that i had done anything like this, as in taking too many drugs. As responsible a drug user as you can be i guess. I had a horrible reaction that morning about four AM and didn't sleep for about three days. since then it has all been history. it got so bad that after about a year of being heavily affected by the attacks i finally went to the GP who sent me to the psych. guy. After much debating and Q&A i finally went on paxil. it has been about two years on paxil now and i have gone from 20mg everyday to 20mg every other day and am looking to be off it in the next six months.
As far as my symptoms went i had very strange ones. i had the usual "out of nowhere" loss of control/confusison/depersonalized episodes but i would get it after i ate often times resulting in vomiting. There was a direct connection to my digestive track and my attacks alot of the time. was aware of my heartbeat for no reason but never had any breathing problems.
As you may have guessed i don't do drugs anymore (ocassional marijuana with no problems) and drink very little. it si truly amazing to experience the wide range of symptoms that anx/pan can cause all on it's own.
well that's it. i will be seeing you all around here and feel free to MSG me if you need anything. with the medical training, especially emergency medical, i hve alot of ways to explain what you feel concerning heart/breathing problems. rational infomaiton helped me out alot.

01-06-05, 01:32
Hi Dan

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

01-06-05, 10:13
Welcome aboard Dan!! It is quite common to have bad experiences with panic attacks whilst on drugs. Everyone here is very friendly and I hope we can offer you some good support. :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

01-06-05, 12:24
Hi Dan,

Well done for getting through it and making sensible choices to help yourself.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

01-06-05, 16:50
Hey Dan,

Welcome to the site!!

Take care,

tracy x x

02-06-05, 00:12
Thank you all for the kind words. you will be seeing me around for sure.

02-06-05, 00:19
Hi Dan

Pleased you have got through it and learnt from it and can now offer your help and support to others.

You have done really well, as you know it could have gone the other way to more frequent drug use and then what happens.

You took the right road and should be well proud of yourself and now can offer others that invaluable support and they will all welcome it.

I work in a prison so i see how many people didnt see the right road like you did and how it can devastate their lifes and all the others involved and it is heart wrenching to see at times.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

02-06-05, 05:03
absolutley right sal. my family has all had drug problems and a couple of my uncles have passed away from them. "self medicating" is not a healthy option. i appreciate the kind words.

02-06-05, 18:57
Hiya Dan

A warm welcome aboard the forum.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

02-06-05, 23:44

You have done really well and i am sorry for the losses you have had in your family. You came out the right way and wish you the best of luck for your future and i am sure lots of people will really appreciate your support and knowledge.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

03-06-05, 12:29
Youre a lucky boy!! Not because you are off the drugs, but because you live in San Diego. Had the pleasure of visiting there in late 90s and absolutley loved it. Its quite a party town anyway, so the sort of place I imagine you could have a great time without the need for chemicals.

Not trying to be patronising, becausing I have dabbled too with weed, and to a much lesser extent , speed. But Southern California seems like a great to place to be, especially when like me, you live in grey, rainy, North West England, and given the choice of being there and clean or here with as many drugs as I can take, I would choose there.

BTW, for us Brits, whats TN short for?

04-06-05, 03:19
Thanks all! you guys are great! I would agrre that southern california is a very nice place, it is just starting to get warm here(not that it actually gets cold) but i would really enjoy some rain. Bigbaz you are right, quite the party town this one. This town loves it's booze. It's expensive living but it's like no other place.

oh, yeah, TN means Tennessee.
thanks all and i'll see ya soon.


06-06-05, 23:50
Would be great to hear more from you and you have done so well with the pressure you have being under.

An indivdual and you should have be proud that you took another road. That takes strength.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-06-05, 03:54
Thank you, thank you. The pressure was a bit much when i wa son an ambulance all the time. I refused to quit until i made myself positive that i could keep doing it if i wanted to. It took a good bit of feeling miserable, but i got over it. like so many other things in life, the majority of it is in our heads, we just have to take away it's ability to drag us down.


"life's a garden, dig it?"