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10-10-08, 01:21
No More Panic,and wish this was the case . i have had such a tough journey over the last 2 years,iI first started having anxiety attacks when i was 15 years old but didnt know it,with lots of trips to GPs with them giving my that " its stress talk ' or heaps of tests that all came back,negative, i was left having no where else to turn was left to deal with it with out knowing what it was.In 2005 things came to a head and i ended up in the secure unit in a mental ward for 4 weeks.in that time my baby turned 1 and my daughter turned 5 and i wasn,t there to celebrate it with them.i also missed her first day at school.Since then i.ve had a one more trip 2 hospital and a long road 2 recovery,St the moment i have good days and bad i am on so many meds But the good news is the drs have found at long last the right drug and dosage,i have started swimming and slowly mixing back into society,Today i am happy to be alive and pleased to have found happiness .i lookforward to hearing from you all ... Take Care !! Michelle:)

10-10-08, 01:35

I am new to this site too. I'm wide awake now having had a panic attack. I only started having these about 3 months ago and they just came out of the blue. They are however, linked to my past experiences of child birth. I am finding it really hard to cope.

I have stopped having caffine, alcohol (well, as much as possible) and other stimulants as I've heard these can make the effects much worse.

I guess trying to take your mind off it an focusing on a task can be helpful, but I feel like I'm going crazy at times. i'm afraid to go to my GP.

I gingerly sipping camomile tea, have used lavender oil and taken some herbal remedies in the vain hope I might be able to get a bit of sleep tonight. Does anyone else here experience panic attacks that come on very quick in the middle of sleep?

10-10-08, 06:10
yes i do and theyre awfull. i find if i eat bread at night and coffee.tea any thing sugary i tend to have more of them.i have a drug called larazapan that i take it takes about 20mins 2 work but it helps settle me down.when im having an attack i find i hate being alone so wake my husband who holds my hand a rubs my back .I hope you fing something to help and find some one to guide u through those horrible earsly morning horrors.:bighug1: michelle

10-10-08, 08:45
:yesyes: :yesyes: Welcome Icyred :yesyes: :yesyes:

10-10-08, 15:55
Hi Michelle,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


10-10-08, 16:10
Hi Michelle

Welcome to the site, I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


milly jones
10-10-08, 20:01
a really warm welcome to no more panic

love from milly xxxx

10-10-08, 20:19
thank u everyone 4 your lovely welcome,i.,m so glad i found this site .:hugs:

10-10-08, 23:25
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

10-10-08, 23:44
Hiya, welcome to Nmp its great to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.