View Full Version : can anyone relate?

10-10-08, 03:14
hi everyone,

i hope you are all doing well with your efforts to control anxiety and panic. i was doing really well until my MD took me off of clonazepam last week. i am still on lexapro, but he did not increase the dose of that (i've been on 20 mg per day for about two months now) when he stopped the other med. in a way i am glad to be off of the clonazepam, but since i stopped taking it i have felt pretty crappy and therefore my anxiety level has increased too. i'm really trying to stay positive and focus on how far i have come since June, when i was a mess because of health-related anxiety and panic attacks. i haven't had a panic attack since i started on medication, and the fear of having one is looming large in my head right now. i'm reading self-help books, visiting websites, following my therapist's advice and trying to look at this as another hurdle that i need to get over. the main trigger of my anxiety is my health, and while i know that the way i am feeling is probably due to clonazepam withdrawal, i also feel like i am sick with a bug of some kind. six months ago, i would have just taken some NyQuil and probably not have given it a second thought, but now i am trying to fight off those scary thoughts that set off the anxiety.

sorry that i rambled on, but i am hoping that maybe someone has gone through a similar experience and can give me some insight. thanks for reading this and take care everyone!


10-10-08, 14:43
sorry about this rough time your going threw:weep: i always feel like i have a bug lol maybe somtimes i due.. worrying all the time isnt good :roflmao: i wish you luck with your meds!! ive recently been put on lexapro 10mg.. i know nothing about the med :scared15: hows it working for you?