View Full Version : sore feet and toes

10-10-08, 09:59
Hi i have been having sore feet and toes for two weeks now and very stressed. I have had so many injuries in the last two years and i dont have any reserves left/

I wore high heels for 2 days a month ago and felt crippled was ok when stop and went back to flats i have been walking to get fit 2 a week 6 miles each time but two weeks ago i walked 12 miles in a day. now realise shoes were a 2.5 not a 3 worried because it doesnt seemed to have eased so fed up and low. i always get odd stuff. cant walk a tmo they feel cold and sore

any ideas or if u have had it how long to settle


10-10-08, 10:12
Hi Raphael

Have you been to the doctor about this? You say you've had lots of injuries in the last two years, and it's obviously been bothering you for a while - what sort of injuries did you have? Without knowing what's causing it, we can't really say how long it will take to go away... my advice would be pop into your docs, and maybe wear trainers or comfy supportive flats for a while until it comes right. Good luck, hope your tootsies feel better soon :flowers:

10-10-08, 10:22
hi thnx 4 reply. I fell down stairs 2 yr ago and wasnt able to sit 4 a year then a chiropractor hurt my upper back and i had nerve pain running round my ribs into my stomach. I visited doc and she has referred me to hosp 4 physio but wondered if anybody had done this and if it just heals on own. really stressed at hosp