View Full Version : Running around in circles with chest pain

10-10-08, 12:39
Im new to the fourm/website and thought I would say hi and introduce myself. My name is Paul and ive suffered with anxiety for most of my teens but in the last 3 years it's got out of control started with panic attacks on public transport, shopping centers and then it went onto my health. Im always convincing myself im ill or there is something wrong with me and its getting to the point where I cant manage it. The latest one is chest pains, It started with stomach pains which lasted for about 2 months then I latched on to my chest and that's been the focus of my thoughts for a good 3 months now. Ive been to my G.P about 5 times and he said im fine checked my heart and chest all clear It got to the point where I checked myself in to hospital and had a ECG test which came back normal sometimes its like a stabbing pain in the center of my chest then other times my back and ribs ache and the back of my arms cant seem to let go and relax its always on my mind :(.

sorry for the long post.


10-10-08, 13:22
:welcome: to nmp hun...you sound like my twin...haha...i have all the same things as you and when i first started with anxiety i had the chest pain that you are describing..this site has helped me alot and im sure it will for you hun..feel free to pm me anytime if you need a chat...good luck on your road to recovery...keep ya chin up..xx:hugs:

10-10-08, 14:34
Hello welcome to the website :D im sorry to hear about your chest problems i know it can be hard.. i had this problem to anxiety and acid reflux dont mix :weep: ..if your gp said you are fine believe him! i know it can be hard trust me anxiety seems to make us think the worst of things.. including the famous ''what of they missed somthing'' but that is not likely you will be fine and you will get threw this! stay strong :hugs: and im here if u need a friendly face :shades: or somone to talk to :roflmao: same thing!!

10-10-08, 15:12
Thanks for all the help :D I do always think the gp has missed something or I have come out of the room and thought " I should of said this or that" im always after constent reasurence and always think the worst always have to plan ahead aswell cant just go with the flow lol, suppose not seing my theropist in 3 months hasn't helped either :wacko:

10-10-08, 16:13
You're a healthy person. I have had stabbing pains in my chest many times. The heart is fine and you're too young to have any kind of illness anyway. Go live your life buddy!

13-10-08, 08:23
Hi Shirtie
It was good to read your post.
I thought i was the only one who came out of the docs thinking "i shoud have said..... or i didnt mention..." because i think that and then think the doc would have found something wrong with me then! I have had breathlessness and chest problems for about 15 years now but the episode ive got at the moment has been going on for about 2 months im trying hard to get over it.
Sorry to ramble on its just reassuring to read people are like me sometimes and im not too much of a loon :wacko:
Hope your feeling better