View Full Version : woman only morning after pill advice

10-10-08, 19:09
hi i took the morning after pill last week after having an accident only 12 hours before. and my period is due today, well i started spotting last night which seemed a little light in colour etc, today it is changing colour each time and it isnt very heavy either but iv got the period pains etc but it jus seems very weird i done a preg test today and it was negavtive, i went and saw my gp and she said to wait and see if my period advances as it seems v slow..and try another pregnancy test next week if its still not advanced.but im panicing now about reading about the pill being linked to etopic pregnancys im soo weak . i jus need some advice has anybody taken this pill??and if so wot was ur period like afterwards....? hope someone can help me.love c.xxx

10-10-08, 20:24
This sounds like your period to me but because you took the morning after pill it as probably just had an effect on your 'flow'. The fact that you are worrying may also be affecting your period as stress can slow periods down (i know this from experience).
I would bet that the pill as worked so you should just relax. Do another pregnancy test next week just to confirm that you are not pregnant.

10-10-08, 20:40
Thanx piglet hunni, i not so much worrying about being pregnent its cos i hate taking stupid meds and wen i read about wot it can do it made it worse. im sure my periods on its way iv read that it does disrupt ur cycle cos of the strong hormones in it.... anybody else welcome to help me out lol

10-10-08, 20:50
I've taken the MAP a few times. It can make you feel quite ill, and mess up your next period for sure. In my case it generally made it start too early and last longer. It also made me feel REALLY sick on the day that I took the pills, and then a bit weepy and weak for days after, so you totally have my sympathy :flowers:. As you say, it is a huge dose of hormones and the hormones can change your mood and the way that your body feels.

It's effective for up to 72 hours after sex, as you took it after 12 you should be pretty safe.

10-10-08, 20:52
wot was ur period like though leebee, excuse me for asking but my HA getting to me tonight!!! iv had a hell of a week had cam up nose on weds too and now this lol xx

10-10-08, 21:09
Can't quite remember now, ct, it was a few years ago, but I think I had a lot more rust-coloured flow (sorry if that's tmi), partly because it went on for longer. It started with that, I think, which it normally never does. Try not to worry - it's sure to be the hormones from the MAP that are making this happen. You need to give your body time to go back to normal. See how you are in a week or so.