View Full Version : update by newbie

10-10-08, 19:52
hi everyone,
thankyou all so so much for your kind words. Can't tell you how much it meant being welcomed so warmly. re typing this message, originally posted it as a reply to my introduction message- really don't understand computers sometimes.
Health anxiety and worrying is going through the roof at the minute. :weep: Had to go for chest xray and am awaiting results. hate anything medical, was brought up around hospitals, as my mums been ill for as long as I can remember,since we lost my nan I try and visit her every other day to help, but difficult, she live 2 bus rides awat and I don't drive. Shes great though but can't tell her how am feeling and don't want to tell my husband, we've only just got married and think I'd scare him off. Ear still ringing too, not high blood pressure. I always think the worse, feel like am driving myself mad; honestly. Am sorry everyone, hope your all ok
love loads
pinkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

10-10-08, 19:57
Hi Pink, it's good that you are feeling supported here but i think it's also useful to have the support at home too. I know you think you will scare your husband away but you might be surprised. I just think it's a shame that you should go through this alone.