View Full Version : Buzzing and twitching

10-10-08, 21:00
How many of you have twitches? I have had non stop muscle twitches for a month now--I mean I am like a popcorn machine, just bubbling all over all the time-no breaks. Also my feet or leg continue to vibrate from time to time.

All my tests are still clear-getting MRI of C spine though too.

10-10-08, 21:30
I have twitches. When they moved into my left breast I somehow thought it had to do with my heart and thats what began my HA cycle. Funny thing is I had twitches long before my HA...it's just that up until then they had never been in my left breast.

When the anxiety fully started my twitching, sharp pains, stabbing pains and muscle issues went through the roof. I guess exercise can make these things better. I also noticed this stuff calmed down for me when I stopped obsessing over it.

Don't worry though, it's nothing dangerous. Your MRI will be clear! Don't be afraid of a twitch.

10-10-08, 21:47
Wow Yanks, thanks. So you got stabbing pains too? I get these pulsating burning stab like pains in my fingers (usually just one), ankles, or toes...

My twitching is non stop every day-going on a month now. They even wake me up at night. Was yours like this too?

I have vowed now not to go to msg boards like-cancer,MS,ALS etc as I then convince myself I have those things. I am convinced I have MS as I am bumping into things too.

11-10-08, 00:15
Hi k2, have you seen this post from a while ago, about twitches?


11-10-08, 00:25
Very informative, thank you! My only fear is not only do I have twitching, but my feet buzz on and off, I have extreme joint cracking and odd pulsating pains in my joints that move around (though that has gotten a tad btr)

I have had SO many tests all clear. Having MRI of c spine on Monday, already had my head.

Part of me does think its all from stress it all really came crashing down 1 wk after I found out my dad had pancreatic cancer (he has now passed) and it just got worse and worse. I had a twitch or two when he was alive and about two wks after he passed all the non stop twitches began. Not sure if all of this is manifesting and getting worse due to my health anxietys etc...