View Full Version : Hi There

10-10-08, 23:01
Hi there, I'm new too. Its good to see how other people are feeling and their worries and medications,helps to see I'm not alone with this. I have been off work 6 monts now and only just beginning to feel better. I was on Citalopram first for 5 months but seemed to be getting nowhere! now on Mirtazapine slepping better and feeling better but put on loads weight so worried about that now too! My doctor hasnt tested me for anything else is that normal? just diagnosed with anxiety first then stress now depression. Felt really tired all the time at first, sick and panicky too couldnt go out on my own anywhere as I was having v dark thoughts, but much better now, more good days than bad.

10-10-08, 23:21
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

10-10-08, 23:39
Thanks for the welcome x

10-10-08, 23:39
Hiya, welcome to Nmp its great to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.

10-10-08, 23:41
Thanks Kellie x It's a very interesting site, good to see I 'm not alone feeling like this. :)

11-10-08, 00:00
Hi there, I'm new too. Its good to see how other people are feeling and their worries and medications,helps to see I'm not alone with this. I have been off work 6 monts now and only just beginning to feel better. I was on Citalopram first for 5 months but seemed to be getting nowhere! now on Mirtazapine slepping better and feeling better but put on loads weight so worried about that now too! My doctor hasnt tested me for anything else is that normal? just diagnosed with anxiety first then stress now depression. Felt really tired all the time at first, sick and panicky too couldnt go out on my own anywhere as I was having v dark thoughts, but much better now, more good days than bad.

11-10-08, 00:03
life is just a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get

11-10-08, 00:27
Hi there, I often wonder if I should be getting better quicker, I have had anxiety/stress/depression for 6 months now, my doctor said it should only take 12 weeks to start getting better. So far this year my sons girlfriend of 10 years finished with him the day he passed his PHD so couldnt cellabrate it. I was told after 20 years I had to move branches at work 25 miles away, I work part time 5 hours per day and had 2 disable parents to care for and a child of 7. I have 4 children altogether but the rest are much older. My mother had another slight stroke and became incontenant, then she fell and broke her foot so was hospitalised for 6 weeks then died with septiceamia (sorry spelling not good point!) I feel she would not have died if I had insisted I take her home but I was so stressed with work at the time that is all I worried about so I can't forgive myself for not worrying about her as much as work!! My father has always been ill for as long as I can remember, heart attacks angina, pluresey, burst veins you name it he's had it or got it, but he refuses to walk anywhere saying he can't see but wants a car!! He has a dog which he insists I walk 3 times a day now I'm off work because his legs hurt but he won't let me take him to or call the doctor and manages to go to shop for lottery tickets. My kids range from 26 down to 7 dont help round house at all. 3 boys and a girl. They think all I do is moan. My husband , goes to work comes home eats his tea, goes to sleep. They moan at me if the milk runs out, if washing not dried etc but don't help. Because they can't see my illness I'm sure they think it doesnt exist. If I'm crying in their eyes its because its the time of month not because I genuinely can't cope. My husband often says I'm mental and mad infront of my kids (I'm not honest) and I should get back to doctors. I have zero support from anyone and feel v alone although my daughter is good but she is only a teenager and I dont want to worry her. I know I'm getting better and beginning to feel myself but my husband now mentions my weight I've put on 9 lbs in the last 4 weeks. I am trying to excercise and diet but keep feeling really hungry. I'm going to try the tip of drinking plenty of water tho mentioned earlier. Its good to have someone to talk too even over the net. I did think I was menopausal but tested negative even tho my periods have stopped for last 3 months. Has this happened to anyone else whilst on mirtazapine????

11-10-08, 00:47
Hi VOn,
You're not on your own, we all will stick together - whatever!! Take care H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX

11-10-08, 00:48
Thanks for the welcome x ( I'm not too good on the computer but hopefully will get better. ) x thanks again

11-10-08, 07:53
welcome to nmp :hugs:

milly jones
11-10-08, 19:46
wishing you a warm nmp welcome

love milly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

Veronica H
11-10-08, 20:00
:welcome: Von. I am so sorry to here that you are not being supported too well by your family at present as you are obviously a very caring person. I was exhausted just listening to your responsibilities, so you have done so well to recover as you have. You do not state your age but I am 49 and going through the stage just before menopause( irregular periods,really bad pmt etc). My Dr says this could have tipped me into panic attacks as I was always an anxious worrier but I really felt different when these changes happened, so perhaps there is a link.You will find comfort and support here Von. Glad you have found us.:bighug1:


12-10-08, 14:45
many thanks veronica, I'm 46 going on 90 i think x x

12-10-08, 14:46
thanks milly

12-10-08, 14:47
Thanks tetley x

12-10-08, 14:47
thanks malv x